Fukushima just had another disastrous spill of “430 liters of contaminated water thousands of times more radioactive than legal limits, its operator said Thursday.”
From a story by Arata Yamamoto and Alexander Smith, NBC News, titled Water 6,700 times more radioactive than legal limit spills from Fukushima we read the latest unfortunate news about a global problem that’s getting worse by the month. From the story:
TEPCO, said the water which spilled from the storage tanks had radiation readings as high as 200,000 becquerels per liter -- almost 6,700 times higher than the legal limit of 30 becquerels.Although sandbags have been placed to prevent further spread of the leak, some of that water may have already reached the plant's harbor on the Pacific Ocean through a drainage trench, TEPCO said.
... A TEPCO spokesman told a press conference in Tokyo on Thursday that the leak happened because workers miscalculated the amount of water the tank was capable of holding due to it sitting on a slope.
This has to be the most inept company in the world. The government says the usual blather about pledging to work with TEPCO to prevent any more leaks. Right. Because politicians are known for their expertise in containing out of control nuke spills.
Speaking of covering things up, later in the article we read “The operator announced Tuesday that four tons of rainwater contaminated with low levels of radiation had leaked during an operation to transfer water between holding tanks, Reuters reported.” Funny how that never made the news these past 48 hours.
So great. The tanks get flooded with every tropical depression that blows through, and we get major leakage we’re not told about until something else comes along that’s worse, forcing it back into the news. Only then do we seem to find out what else has happened and what hasn’t been working.
We also read a Japanese “fast food company,” Yoshinoya, now intends to grow vegetables within 60 miles of the contaminated site. Wow. There is some kind of extreme collective denial going on here. And the Japanese government says to drink and laugh more because it’ll mitigate radiation poisoning. Wow again. This is delusional thinking.
The entire miserable mess that IS “Fukushima” is a slo-mo train wreck unfolding right before our eyes. The longer the incompetents allegedly dealing with the problem are allowed their criminal negligence, the worse it’ll be in the long run for the entire globe.
Nuclear anything is bad for life on Earth.
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