Turn a PC on with a Knock and an ATTiny

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Pressing the power button on your computer usually isn’t too much trouble, unless your computer is stored away somewhere hard to reach. [Joonas] has been hard at work on a solution that would also impress his friends, building a knock sensor to turn on his PC.

For around $10 in parts he put together an ATTiny45 that emulates a PS/2 device, which takes advantage of his computer’s ability to boot upon receiving PS/2 input. The build uses a Piezo buzzer and a 1M Ohm resistor as a knock sensor exactly as the official Arduino tutorial demonstrates, and one of those PS/2-to-USB adapters that are most likely lurking in the back corner of every drawer in your office.

[Joonas] used AVRweb to disable the 8X clock divider so there’d be enough clock cycles for PS/2 communication, then loaded some test code to make sure the vibrations were being detected correctly. You can check out his Github for the final code here, and stick around after the break for a quick video demo. Then check out a similar hack with [Mathieu's] home automation knock sensor.


Slap Hackaday Logo on Something and Win a Trinket

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It’s no secret that we love to see project demos that pander to Hackaday. This often comes in the form of our page loaded on the screen in build photos, or creative use of our skull and wrenches logo. Now’s your chance to pander for a smidge of loot. [Phillip Torrone] offered up 20 of Adafruit’s new 5v Trinket boards as giveaways, and we can’t say no to getting free stuff in the hands of the readers.

So here’s the deal: Use the Hackaday logo on something. This can be just about anything. The images above show three examples made by Hackaday staff. There’s the logo built brick-by-brick on a Minecraft Survival server, a 3D version printed as a badge, and a somewhat squished version inside of a QR code. We will (seemingly arbitrarily) pick twenty winners from all of the submissions, but here’s a few guidelines to help you rise above:

Send your submission details to our tips line (don’t forget to say something like [Trinket Contest] in the title!). In order to receive a prize you must include your name, address, and email address (these will only be used by Adafruit to deliver the hardware and notify you when it has shipped). Get your entry in by Friday, November 1st in order to qualify. Obviously Hackaday, SupplyFrame, and Adafruit employees and their families aren’t eligible to win.

Adventures in Hackerspacing: Freeside Atlanta, Part II

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This week on Adventures in Hackerspacing, Freeside Atlanta Part II: Hacking the Hackerspace!

After learning about the culture behind the space, I was eager to ask hackerspace veterans [Alan] and [Steven] about nuts and bolts, about behind-the-scenes crucial decisions, and one question in particular: What’s the most important requirement for a hackerspace? [Alan] jumped in with this response:

Number one by and far is a willing landlord. I think if you have a willing landlord everything else is incidental. You make it hard on yourself if you are on the second story, but take the second story if you have a willing landlord.

That wasn’t the answer I was expecting, but when you look around Freeside, it starts to make sense…


Graffiti, street art, or some kind of mural covers nearly every wall, including a bowel-evacuatingly frightening Slenderman who lurks behind the bathroom door. I expected “size of the facility” to rank higher on their list—and at nearly 6,000 square feet, Freeside has heaps of leg room—but even a garage or a small office can function as a hackerspace for a handful of folks doing software or small electronics work.

Instead, [Alan] and [Steven] cast their vote for a place you can modify and improve. Freeside is located among the warehouses of the Metropolitan Business and Art District, which has a history of housing those who make creative use of the spaces. According to [Alan], Freeside is a conservative user of the property as compared to others in the same warehouse community. It’s also on the ground floor, because lugging heavy equipment up stairs is more trouble than it’s worth. There are exceptions. MASScollective, as [Alan] pointed out, is a three-story space with a freight elevator, so a space off the ground floor isn’t necessarily a deal-breaker. You just need to be creative about getting equipment above the ground floor.

[Alan] and [Steven] also took time to detail some of the legal issues that a hackerspace and its administrators may face. But first, the typical disclaimer:

I am not a lawyer, and the following information is not legal advice. [Alan] and [Steven] aren’t lawyers either, so be sure to consult an actual attorney before making any legal decisions about your hackerspace.

Freeside is officially a Georgia Non-Profit corporation, and they’ve applied for federal 501(c)(3) status, which comes with some tax breaks. Filing as a federal non-profit is quite the undertaking. [Alan] explained that the mountain of paperwork (around 80 pages) and increased responsibility for consistent and accurate record keeping can deter a space from applying. For Freeside, it’s worth the effort. Federal non-profit status looks good on grant applications, and [Steven] admits that they’ve been turned down for a few microgrants because Freeside’s still waiting to hear back on the 501(c)(3); their application is stuck in the backlog.

It’s also important to pick the correct type of organization for your space. Freeside chose 501(c)(3)—an educational and/or scientific organization—because they make an effort to educate the community and their members have published scholarly articles in the medical field. Some spaces go the route of the 501(c)(7)—social and recreational—because they can only claim to be a workshop organization.

They also pointed out the benefits of registering as a Limited Liability; if there’s a debt incurred by the organization, it’s founders are not liable for that debt. They can dissolve the corporation: assuming the organization has otherwise behaved responsibly. As [Steven] puts it, negligence trumps most legal safety nets, so it’s best to be above board on your paperwork and practices.

Then there’s the other kind of liability concern: safety.


Freeside has one hell of a workshop, and [Alan] was happy to give me a tour, but not before I strapped on the safety goggles that he handed me. No one expects members to walk in with an encyclopedic knowledge of how to operate every power tool. Whoever teaches you to use the big, loud equipment, however, is potentially liable for misuse by the trainee. If [Alan] taught you how to operate the table saw and you got hurt, whose fault is it? This was a problem that had Freeside members on edge. [Alan] explained how they approached the issue by carefully choosing the language that surrounds instruction, then securing a legal solution:

We don’t say ‘we certify’ you to use anything. There’s a welder guy we know who is able to actually certify people to weld, but if we’re doing a build-out of the space where we’re cutting 2×4's, I’m going to assume that they’ll use the chop saw. If they use the table saw and hurt themselves, that’s where things get tricky. They volunteered, so they can’t hold Freeside responsible, but that doesn’t include me personally. So I took out an umbrella policy to protect me from things like that.

The personal umbrella insurance is less expensive than directors and officers insurance—which [Alan] only recommends if you plan to hire staff members (it covers equal opportunity, etc.) Now, as long as the Freeside guys aren’t creating a negligent environment, instruction is no longer a problem. You can check out Freeside’s policy page for more information and other guidelines. Many of these policies should be read as an “operations manual” rather than a strict rule book. Like most things at Freeside, their policies are empowered by fluidity.


Freeside has more stories to tell, but I’ll end the adventure here and instead suggest that you check out their space yourself. Swing by on Tuesday evenings for their open house, where you’re sure to meet plenty of friendly, knowledgeable folks, and can enjoy [Alan's] bizarre taste in YouTube videos on the big screen.

A monumental thank you to both [Alan Fay] and [Steven Sutton] for tolerating over three hours of my questions and at least as many hours of lurking, and a much overdue thanks to my old friend [Brian Cribbs] for introducing me to the Freeside community.

Finally, I want to hear about your adventures. Drop me a line and tell me about your space’s politics, crazy mishaps, how you regulate safety, legal threats, the creepy guy who sat in his car outside your space while calling to ask if he can use it to put on a puppet show for children (You’ll have to ask [Steven] about that one), or anything you’d like to see in the next installment of Adventures in Hackerspacing.

USB Implementers Forum Says No to Open Source

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For the longest time. one of the major barriers to hobbyists and very small companies selling hardware with a USB port is the USB Implementers Forum. Each USB device sold requires a vendor ID (VID) and a product ID (PID) to be certified as USB compliant. Adafruit, Sparkfun, and the other big guys in the hobbyist market have all paid the USB Implementers Forum for a USB VID, but that doesn’t help the guy in his garage hoping to sell a few hundred homebrew USB devices.

Arachnid Labs had an interesting idea to solve this problem. Since other USB device vendors such as Microchip and FTDI give away USB PIDs for free, a not for profit foundation could buy a VID, give PIDs away to foundation members making open source hardware, and we would all live in a magical world of homebrew devices that are certified as USB compliant.

This idea did not sit well with VTM Group, the people serving as the management, PR, legal, and membership and licensing department of the USB Implementers Forum. In a slightly disproportionate response, the VTM Group told Arachnid Labs to,

Please immediately cease and desist raising funds to purchase a unique USB VID for the purpose of transferring, reselling or sublicensing PIDs and delete all references to the USB-IF, VIDs and PIDs for transfer, resale or sublicense from your website and other marketing materials.

Interestingly, Arachnid Labs’ and scores of other requests for an open source USB VID haven’t hit the desk of anyone at the USB Implementers Forum, the people who are actually in charge of designating USB VIDs and PIDs. There are a number of ideas to get around VTM Group that include squatting on USB VID 0xF055, but we’re at a loss why there couldn’t be a foundation that gives out open source USB PIDs. Microchip, FTDI, and Openmoko do the same, so perhaps it’s time to email some key people at HP, Intel, and Microsoft

The Most Minimal Homebrew Computer

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Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to fail. Going by that metric, [Stian]‘s three-chip 6502 homebrew computer is the epitome of perfection. It’s a real, working, homebrew retrocomputer using only three chips: a CPU, some RAM, and a microcontroller to bootstrap the computer and provide a video output,

The key to this minimalist build is having the entire boot process controlled by an ATMega16 microcontroller, This interfaces to the 6502 through a dual-port SRAM, a 1 kilobyte Cypress CY7C130. This dual-port RAM allows the CPU and microcontroller to access the same bit of memory, making it easy to bootstrap a computer from a bit of AVR code.

Output is provided with [Stian]‘s ATMega video text generator putting a 37×17 characters on any television with an RCA jack. While input isn’t handled yet, [Stian] says it should be possible with his AVR PS/2 keyboard library.

While other 6502 homebrew computers such as [Quinn Dunki] Veronica can reach unparalleled heights of complexity, there is a lot to be said about the minimalism of [Stian]‘s three-chip computer. With some clever coding and a modified parts list, it may well be possible to put a retrocomputer in the hands of everyone with a bare minimum of cost and parts.

CAN Hacking: Introductions

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AppId is over the quota

There is a right way and a wrong way to design embedded systems.

The wrong way centralizes functionality that has no business being together, and makes it opaque to repairmen. This is usually chosen so as to “optimize for cost” by minimizing the number of computers… you know, in a “there’s maybe a market for 5 computers globally” kind of way.

The right way is to keep things as simple as will work, preferably not even using OS’s, when the tasks can be separated so one function per microcontroller. This way there is no multiplication of complication, and each separate processor’s code becomes simple and easily maintained. (and preferably also, kept with the install so that future repairmen have a chance to fix it!). This is known as robust design, engineering for maximum reliability, as a priority far above “cost”.

As manufacturers get better at this, expect, nay, demand that they become compliant! An essential, and yet still lacking part of this is the availability of the source, as well as the barrier-to-modification. The auto industry is notorious for keeping all their tech secret – so much so that most “scientifically published, peer reviewed” papers read more like sales brochures with even less actual detail than the patents that they’re trying to push.

Unfortunately, it seems keeping source code secret has a reputation as being some kind of “good” engineering practice, even though it’s basically fundamentally at odds with science and engineering. If you contract an engineer to make something for you, you will get the blueprints – if they don’t provide them, then they didn’t engineer it.

Car manufacturers have a lot to learn in this regard, but even more so do the “engineering software” companies who “sell products” in the MSFT style. It’s disgusting, and one day people will find it difficult to believe that it was ever considered reasonable business practice.

All that said: CAN is very good – no where near the performance of, say, FireWire, but still exactly as “KISS” like as you could hope for in a low speed / high reliability / easily debugged multidrop communications protocol. (Firewire is perfection at high bandwidth, but carries with it quite an overhead in terms of protocol, it was clearly designed by a comittee of computer engineers obessed with getting every little detail right. It is anarchistic democracy to USB’s benevolent dictatorship. CAN is just a few mechanics talking shop, and getting shit done whilst occasionally yelling over the other, but that’s ok, because everyone knows the pecking order, and shuts up and listens when it’s urgent.)

Apart from sheer BW, CAN shits all over ethernet’s stupid “if a collision, wait a random time, then try again” approach to sharing a wire. (Hint: this is why ethernet is not used to share wires anymore – do you know the difference between a “hub” and a “switch”? Remember 10Base2 ?)

Apart from the horribleness putting a “standard” behind a paywall (just like selling software licences imho, anti education.), CAN is a good bit of work, whose actual impact on the world for the better will be proportional to those benefiting from it, and therefore dependant upon being widely understood and used where appropriate. (Again, something that paywalls / licensing / general IP shit destroys).

I’m looking forward to this series :)

Introducing the Shapeoko 2

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For all the 3D printers that hit the Hackaday tip line, it’s surprising we don’t see more CNC routers. They’re arguably more useful tools, and with the ability to mill wood, plastic, and non-ferrous metals, open up the door to a whole bunch more potential builds. One of the most popular – and certainly one of the least expensive – CNC routers out there, the Shapeoko, just received a huge update that makes this minimal machine even more capable.

The new Shapeoko 2 keeps the same V wheel on an aluminium extrusion design with Makerslide, but fixes a few problems that limited the original Shapeoko. There’s a larger work area on this version, and the Y axes feature dual stepper motors. The biggest feature, we think, is the ability to handle materials larger than the machine itself thanks to its open front and back.

The Shapeoko 2 is available in two versions, a $300 mechanical kit that requires you to go out and get some motors, a power supply, and a grblShield, the full version, for $650, includes everything you’ll need to start routing wood metal and plastic at home.

Happy 2013 Birthday to Three Musical Superstars – Bruce Springsteen, Ray Charles, and John Coltrane

AppId is over the quota AppId is over the quota Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology: Happy 2013 Birthday to Three Musical Superstars – Bruce Springsteen, Ray Charles, and John Coltrane Aquarius Papers - Global AstrologyUsing Astrology, Spirit, and Archetypes to move and groove through the intersections of fate and free will.

Today we give a giant birthday shout out to these three legendary greats!

First,"the Boss." Bruce Springsteen (September 23, 1949) is one of the brightest lights if the huge musical Libra tribe that includes such greats as John Lennon, Paul Simon, Ray Charles, John Coltrane, Justin Hayward, Jackson Browne, and John Mellencamp. Bruce's tunes grab people all over the world, whether as social conscience or just great music. Today we have lots of great live performance videos!

I've been hip to Mister Bruce Springsteen and his music since the early 70s and “Greetings from Asbury Park,” and he puts on one of the most electrifying live shows anyone could even want to see! For your consideration, a happy birthday assemblage of some great performances.

From the beginning of his career, "Spirit in the Night" - Live in Los Angeles with the E Street Band, 1973.

A more recent version from Sacramento, 2008 of "Spirit In The Night."

Another major hit from his first album, later made a hit again by Manfred Mann and the Earth Band, "Blinded By The Light"

A great acoustic performance of "Blinded By The Light" from Oct 15, 2005 in Madison, Wisconsin.

A GREAT must see alternate version! "Blinded By The Light" A total groove out!

An early one! From 1978, live in Phoenix, Bruce and the E Street Band doing one of his first and greatest, letting the world know he was a musical force majure! “Rosalita” (let it buffer so it doesn’t stop and start)

An October 2009 performance from the Spectrum in Philadelphia, PA of "Rosalita,"

THE song that woke a lot of the world up! A great performance of "Born To Run" from The Spectrum, Philadelphia, PA, on October 25, 1976.

Another great performance of "Born to Run" by Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band at Memorial Coliseum, Phoenix, AZ, July 8th 1978. (Let it buffer for awhile or it'll stop several times in the performance.)

Here are two more great performances of "Born to Run," this one from Landover,MD, from November 24th 1980, and this one at Madison Square Garden, New York, from the All Star Benefit for the Homeless Children on December 13, 1987.

From the same album, here's a great performance of "Tenth Avenue Freeze Out" at the Capital Center, Largo, MD, on the 24th of November 1980.

Here's "Prove It All Night," another great turn from his early days.

From the same era, Bruce and the E Street Band doing the ever incredible "Thunder Road" from the 1979 No Nukes concert. Here's another magnificent performance of "Thunder Road" from 1976 (when he made the covers of Time AND Newsweek on the same week!)

Another of my favorites! This song gave me two of the best lines I’ve ever passed on to another human being! “Poor man wants to be rich, rich man wants to be king, and the king ain’t satisfied until he rules everything,” and “It ain’t no sin to be glad you’re alive.”

This is pure gold from the Barcelona 2002 concert. If you want to catch a glimpse of what it’s like at a Bruuuuuuuce concert, check out the crowd!!

Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band – “Badlands” From the same show, the song that’s a declaration of hope and determination to take our destiny into our own hands! “Promised Land”

("Badlands" and "Promised Land" were the same two he did with Jackson Browne in Central Park at the 1982 Freeze Now! Concert after the march from the UN. A million people clocked in, making it the largest antinuke protest ever. I was a “peacekeeper” assigned to a section near the stage. When he broke into “Badlands,” a million people roared and stomped their feet and shook the Earth in a once in a lifetime experience!)

This one’s electrifying! From Bergen, Norway, in 2009, Intro & "Badlands"

Lest you think Barcelona has anything on the Brits, the crowd goes wild at Glastonbury in June 2009 as for the Boss cranks out a fantastic performance of “Badlands.” And from the same gig, “Thunder Road” When the crowd roars out the lyrics throughout the entire song, it’s some kind of statement!

Live in NYC in 2001, the awesome “Jungleland”

From the next chapter in his career, the awesome "No Surrender" by Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band in Washington DC, 11th October 2004.

Here's Bruce doing "I'm Goin' Down" live in Camp Nou, Barcelona, 20th July 2008.

Two more great performances of the same song! Here's "I'm Goin' Down"live in Kansas City, 1984, and "I'm Goin' Down" in Frankfurt on 7 March, 2009.

As long time fans know, Bruce has deep feelings about our country and all that's right and wrong about it. Here he is doing the legendary Woody Guthrie song once proposed as the "true" national anthem for the US, "This Land is your Land" live at the Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles, CA on September 30, 1985. I also found Bruce and another American icon and champion of the working class, Pete Seeger, doing "This Land is Your Land" at Obama's Inaugural fete.

A while back I did a post on "Chimes of Freedom," one of the most remarkable songs ever written by America’s bard, Bob Dylan. Here is an amazingly powerful performance by the Boss of this paen to freedom in East Germany in 1988 before the fall of the Berlin Wall! “Chimes of Freedom in East Berlin”

From the same tour, here’s Bruce in Copenhagen in 1988 offering us "Chimes of Freedom."

At some point, please take a moment to reread my post linked above, since I posted the lyrics, and after all, the Chimes of Freedom are flashing for all of us.

As a bonus, here's the original 7 minute studio version by Bob Dylan of "Chimes of Freedom"

Bruce once said, "blind faith in your leaders will get you killed." I found an unbelievable video of Bruce Springsteen doing "War" in 1985 at the LA Colliseum, and posted it, along with the lyrics, back in 2007 during a global protest of the Iraq war. Since that video has been cut short for some reason, I found the entire performance which I linked below.

I saw him perform this way back when, and it still grabs me by the throat. This is a message for everyone who needs to remember that in fact, "blind faith in anything will get you killed." For your eye opening enjoyment, here's the entire performance of the musical juggernaut, "WAR"

Here's another great performance which you should check out! Bruce performing "War!" live, along with the man who originally did it, Edwin Starr! And from “the Rising” tour, yet another performance of the ever-amazing and powerful "War!"

Here are a few more great tunes written by others, done by Bruce:

"Blowin' In The Wind/Bad Moon Rising"

"Who'll Stop The Rain" live in Stockholm 2009.

From the same concert, we move back into three of my favorite songs written by the Boss:

"No Surrender" & "Badlands" & "Night"

Here's more of his hits,

"Dancing in the dark" from Barcelona 2002

"Glory Days" from Dave Letterman's last night on NBC.

Here's Youngstown done live in Youngstown.

The song he says Patti Smith "stole" from him, in that she definitely made it a major hit on her own before Bruce's version, the awesome "Because the Night" from a 2007 European performance.

Here's his rocking version of the Gary U.S. Bonds mega-hit "A Quarter To Three" in Sevilla.

I found a few clips of Bruce with various friends doing other people's songs. These are some great performances, so check them out!

First, U2 & Bruce Springsteen live at the 2009 Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame doing "I still haven't found what I'm looking for."

Here’s another great live video by these two doing this song at Madison Square Garden! Bono waxes philosophical about rock and roll, and what he says.... Bruce Springsteen and U2 performing “I still haven’t found what I’m Looking For”

Speaking of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions, here’s Bruce and Axl Rose at the 1994 ceremony inducting John Lennon as a solo artist performing John’s song "Come Together."

Here’s an awesome performance by Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen doing "It's my life."

We close this Happy Birthday celebration with a full on, entire concert video from August 1978 in Landover, Maryland. This one is a young man at his peak during his Saturn Return! For your enjoyment,

Bruce Springsteen Live in Maryland – Part 1 (2 hours)

Bruce Springsteen Live in Maryland – Part 2 (42 minutes)

For our first encore, we’ll fast forward 7 years to another full show, with a different set list than he was playing in 1978! For your enjoyment, from Paris in June 1985, an entire 3 hour show. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band Live in Paris

For our second encore, Bruce joins Neil Young in 2004 doing one of my favorite tunes of all time, "All Along The Watchtower" in Minneapolis. Dylan wrote it, Hendrix did the definitive version, and Springsteen keeps it alive!

Thanks for being the voice of the working people all these years. I was once told that very few good things come from New Jersey, and that you were definitely one of them (along with Jon Stewart and a few more!) You've proved that true over the years. Thanks for the incredible tunes over the past 40 years! May you have many more as you rock on into your 60s!


As I mentioned earlier, a very happy birthday goes out to two more great legends also born on this day, the awesome Ray Charles (September 23, 1930 – June 10, 2004). Ray took a variety of styles and took them over the top in his very unique way. Ray Charles was one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century across many different genres of music. From Wikipedia:

He was a pioneer in the genre of soul music during the 1950s by fusing rhythm and blues, gospel, and blues styles into his early recordings with Atlantic Records. He also helped racially integrate country and pop music during the 1960s with his crossover success on ABC Records, most notably with his Modern Sounds albums. While with ABC, Charles became one of the first African-American musicians to be given artistic control by a mainstream record company. Frank Sinatra called Charles “the only true genius in show business...”

For your enjoyment, Mister Ray Charles! I found some videos of Ray Charles that span his career from 1963-1999.

First, here's Ray performing live in Sao Paulo, Brazil 1963 doing two of his early hits! Rock out with "What'd I Say" and "Hit The Road Jack."

A great b/w live performance of "You don't know me."

here is an electrifying performance by Ray Charles of "Let the Good Times Roll!" Wow!

For another great dance tune, from what looks to be the same show, Ray ripping out "What'd I Say"

Another live video of an early hit! "I Got A Woman"

From The Dick Cavett Show on September 18, 1972, here's Ray live doing "America The Beautiful." From the same show, "I Can't Stop Loving You" and "Georgia On My Mind."

Here's Ray in 1999 doing Leon Russell's masterpiece, "A Song For You."

We'll close this brief birthday tribute to the Amazing Ray with a clip called "The Giants Of Rock 'N' Roll" done live in Rome in 1989 featuring Ray Charles, Jerry Lee Lewis, BB King, Little Richard, Bo Diddley, James Brown, Fats Domino, and more! Enjoy this 8:49 of pure gold!!


A big happy also goes out to the 'Trane Himself, the legendary John Coltrane (September 23, 1926 – July 17, 1967). He pioneered several forms of jazz, was one of the most significant saxophonists in jazz history, and worked with the greatest of the greatest. He was so revered that he was actually canonized as a saint by the African Orthodox Church! Since I can't do an entire birthday tribute this year due to time constraints, here are a few videos I found of the Sax Master!

John Coltrane performing live in Belgium in 1965 playing "Naima."

From 1961, a great live performance of 'Trane with his quintet (Eric Dolphy on flute, Elvin Jones on drums, McCoy Tyner on piano and Jimmy Garrison on bass) doing "My Favorite Things"

Here's a live video from April 1959 of Miles Davis & John Coltrane performing "So What" From Miles Davis' album, "Kind Of Blue."

For your enjoyment, a 9+ minute live audio-only clip from 1958 of 'Trane and Miles at the Newport Jazz Festival doing "Bye Bye Blackbird"

Here’s a great 8+ minute video clip of ‘Trane and the great Wes Montgomery doing the Thelonious Monk jazz standard, “Round Midnight”

A live performance of "On Green Dolphin Street"

From Germany in 1960, a rare video clip of ‘Trane with Stan Getz, Oscar Peterson, Paul Chambers, and Jimmy Cobb performing “Hackensack”

Here’s the John Coltrane Quartet in a rare 1965 video from France performing what is said to be the only live video of “A Love Supreme” and “Ascension” (it’s a 2+ minute promotional video for a 6 DVD set of that performance)

Since we just had the Equinox yesterday, I figure this one’s perfect for today! From 1960’s “Coltrane Sound” album, John Coltrane with McCoy Tyner on piano, Elvin Jones on drums, and Steve Davis on bass performing “Equinox”

The 11 minute studio version of the incredible "Blue train."

If you want to hear the entire one hour 1957 studio album, here’s John Coltrane’s “Blue Train”

Here’s the entire 38 minute studio album from 1960, the first with all compositions written by JC. “Giant Steps”

Here’s the entire 1 hour 15 studio album from 1962! “John Coltrane Plays the Blues”

Here’s the entire 40+ minute studio album from 1966! “Meditations”

We'll close this birthday celebration with his 1958 11 minute studio version of "Stardust"

For our encore, a full one hour 36 minute “Jazz Icons” television clip! John Coltrane Live 1960, 1961, 1965

All three of these guys were/are awesome, and set the standard for the ages. There’s a lot more of their music over at you tube, so if you’re inclined, check out anything and everything these major league talents ever did. They definitely influenced music across several genres for decades, and are still among the most loved and respected in their styles.

Copyright © 2013 Robert Wilkinson

September 23, 2013 | Permalink

Technorati Tags:Axl Rose, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, E Street Band, John Coltrane, Jon Bon Jovi, Miles Davis, Neil Young, Oscar Peterson, Patti Smith, Pete Seeger, Ray Charles, U2, Wes Montgomery

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    Recent Commentsshekinah on New Moon in Libra Pt. 1 - What’s Happening in October-November 2013Lainie on New Moon in Libra Pt. 1 - What’s Happening in October-November 2013Andrew Adam on Expecting Godzilla Autumn 2013 - More Bad News From FukushimaDebbie on Happy 2013 Video Birthday to Gwen Stefani, India.Arie, Lindsey Buckingham, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Eddie Cochrane, and Chubby CheckerMaria on Expecting Godzilla Autumn 2013 - More Bad News From FukushimaMicheline on Expecting Godzilla Autumn 2013 - More Bad News From FukushimaJoanne on Expecting Godzilla Autumn 2013 - More Bad News From FukushimaJulia on Happy 2013 Video Birthday to the Remarkable Musician and Humanitarian Known As Stingcaliban on How Can We Know Success From Failure, and How Much Control Do We Have Over Life?Valerie on Astrology in October 2013 – A Cardinal T-Square with Other Frictional Gear GrindingSara on Happy 2013 Birthday to the Immortal Groucho MarxRodJM on How Can We Know Success From Failure, and How Much Control Do We Have Over Life?Jeanette on Happy 2013 Birthday to One of the Greatest Poets in History, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad RumiDebbie on Happy 2013 Birthday to One of the Greatest Spiritual Astrologers of All Time, the Legendary Marc Edmund JonesDebbie on How Can We Know Success From Failure, and How Much Control Do We Have Over Life?Philipp Manser on Happy 2013 Birthday to One of the Greatest Poets in History, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad RumiCathy on Astrology in October 2013 – A Cardinal T-Square with Other Frictional Gear GrindingVeronica Norman on Happy 2013 Birthday to One of the Greatest Poets in History, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad RumiDebbie on Astrology in October 2013 – A Cardinal T-Square with Other Frictional Gear GrindingRobert on There Are Many Ways To Meditate – Pt.3Amrita on Happy 2013 Birthday to One of the Greatest Poets in History, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad RumiKate Minogianni on There Are Many Ways To Meditate – Pt.3Kate Minogianni on Astrology in late September 2013 – It’s a Venus square Mars weekend as Mercury enters ScorpioRodJM on Mahatma Gandhi’s “Seven Deadly Social Sins”RodJM on Astrology in late September 2013 – It’s a Venus square Mars weekend as Mercury enters ScorpioRodJM on More than 800 Scientists Affirm There Is No Doubt that Humans Are Responsible for Global WarmingJake on Antarctica After the Ice Has Melted and All Coastal Cities are Under 190 Feet of Wateryzse on We Have Saturday Night Attitude Dancing Courtesy of the Legend, Mister Boo “Lucky” WilburyDebbie on Astrology in late September 2013 – It’s a Venus square Mars weekend as Mercury enters ScorpioDebbie on More than 800 Scientists Affirm There Is No Doubt that Humans Are Responsible for Global WarmingSubscribe to this blog's feed

Expecting Godzilla Autumn 2013 - More Bad News From Fukushima

AppId is over the quota Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology: Expecting Godzilla Autumn 2013 - More Bad News From Fukushima Aquarius Papers - Global AstrologyUsing Astrology, Spirit, and Archetypes to move and groove through the intersections of fate and free will.

Fukushima just had another disastrous spill of “430 liters of contaminated water thousands of times more radioactive than legal limits, its operator said Thursday.”

From a story by Arata Yamamoto and Alexander Smith, NBC News, titled Water 6,700 times more radioactive than legal limit spills from Fukushima we read the latest unfortunate news about a global problem that’s getting worse by the month. From the story:

TEPCO, said the water which spilled from the storage tanks had radiation readings as high as 200,000 becquerels per liter -- almost 6,700 times higher than the legal limit of 30 becquerels.

Although sandbags have been placed to prevent further spread of the leak, some of that water may have already reached the plant's harbor on the Pacific Ocean through a drainage trench, TEPCO said.

... A TEPCO spokesman told a press conference in Tokyo on Thursday that the leak happened because workers miscalculated the amount of water the tank was capable of holding due to it sitting on a slope.

This has to be the most inept company in the world. The government says the usual blather about pledging to work with TEPCO to prevent any more leaks. Right. Because politicians are known for their expertise in containing out of control nuke spills.

Speaking of covering things up, later in the article we read “The operator announced Tuesday that four tons of rainwater contaminated with low levels of radiation had leaked during an operation to transfer water between holding tanks, Reuters reported.” Funny how that never made the news these past 48 hours.

So great. The tanks get flooded with every tropical depression that blows through, and we get major leakage we’re not told about until something else comes along that’s worse, forcing it back into the news. Only then do we seem to find out what else has happened and what hasn’t been working.

We also read a Japanese “fast food company,” Yoshinoya, now intends to grow vegetables within 60 miles of the contaminated site. Wow. There is some kind of extreme collective denial going on here. And the Japanese government says to drink and laugh more because it’ll mitigate radiation poisoning. Wow again. This is delusional thinking.

The entire miserable mess that IS “Fukushima” is a slo-mo train wreck unfolding right before our eyes. The longer the incompetents allegedly dealing with the problem are allowed their criminal negligence, the worse it’ll be in the long run for the entire globe.

Nuclear anything is bad for life on Earth.


The Silent Steps of Grace – A Book Review

I’ve just finished a remarkable book written by a remarkable man. It’s one of the best I’ve read in years, and a thoroughly enjoyable read!

The Silent Steps of Grace is said to be “a gripping tale of tragedy, transformation, and triumph.” For a historical novel (that could very well be a true story!) it’s definitely that and more!

Written by world renowned healer and author Alan Mesher, this latest work is a true masterpiece of the adventure of “the quest” offering universal spiritual truths in an extraordinarily appealing style. Set against the backdrop of the Chinese invasion and slaughter of Tibet and the 1960s, we follow the life and journey of a young Tibetan, Tenzin Osun, as he makes his way from orphan in Tibet to spiritual Master in California.

I found it difficult to put down this book. It is engaging, well written, intriguing, beguiling, and invites us on a journey of self-discovery via the timeless tests and lessons the characters confront and what they learn from their challenges. As one reviewer put it, “The novel’s central character, Tenzin, is the sort of irresistibly wise friend that we all wish we had.”

It’s one of those rare books that the closer you get to the end, the more you wish it were not ending. The good news is we are told it is Book One of the Tenzin Trilogy, so we can expect this tale of love, courage, adventure, and journey into higher awareness to continue!

Ultimately, it is the story of the triumph of higher spiritual awareness over the negativity that pervades our world, and has for a while. Tenzin’s wisdom is infectious, and yes, he is “irresistible.”

While I’ve never taken to pedantic works, there’s nothing of that sort of teaching here. The way that Alan tells this timeless tale of a young Tibetan Buddhist’s “hero’s journey,” the more I read, the more I found myself pondering Tenzin’s sage advice about certain very human issues, problems, and challenges. Through the wisdom of this work, we come to realize the applicability of universal truths offered through the very human characters.

That makes this book worth reading, enjoying, and taking to heart. I wholeheartedly look forward to reading part two, scheduled to come out in 2014!

Mahatma Gandhi’s “Seven Deadly Social Sins”

AppId is over the quota AppId is over the quota Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology: Mahatma Gandhi’s “Seven Deadly Social Sins” Aquarius Papers - Global AstrologyUsing Astrology, Spirit, and Archetypes to move and groove through the intersections of fate and free will.

of us have heard of the so-called 7 Deadly Sins. However, one of the greatest Beings to visit our Earth in centuries gave us another list, the 7 Deadly Social Sins. To find out what the "Mahatma," or "Great Spirit" thought were the source of all of humanity's ills, read on.

As many of you know, I believe Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948) was one of the greatest Beings to walk the Earth in millennia. He was a highly spiritually evolved politician, revolutionary, and statesman, master of non-violent non-cooperation with the sources of human degradation.

This "Spiritual Father of His Country" led the Indian subcontinent to independence through demonstrating the practical efficacy of the doctrine of Ahimsa, also known as "non-violence," or "least violence," applied through the power of Satyagraha, or "Soul-force." Though he was the first to admit that his tactics would work only when dealing with civilized opponents, he still strenuously insisted that each of us needed to be non-violent at our core to the degree we are able if we are to be genuine workers for peace in our world, since only peace can overcome war. While the world has known many "philosophers of peace," He was probably one of a very few since St. Issa to articulate the doctrine of "the peaceful warrior" in pragmatic action.

Albert Einstein, one of the greatest minds humanity has produced, once said of Gandhi that "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this walked the earth in flesh and blood." One of the most effective politicians in history, he demonstrated the practical truth that the way of applied Soul force using non-violent techniques is the most powerful political tool we have.

Worship without Sacrifice

Sounds like most of the world's political parties (and religious dogmas) are the source of every social ill we have on Earth. May we live to see the day when these no longer exist to plague humanity. Aum Namah Shivaya!


Technorati Tags:ahimsa, Einstein on Gandhi, Gandhi's 7 deadly social sins, Mahatma Gandhi, satyagraha

This is not surprising at all from an individual with Pluto conjuct Jupiter sextiled by Uranus and that conjunction opposing Venus conjuct Mars. Someone like that would have had tremendous insight and will power to pull off these philosophical leanings about human relationships in its many forms of expression and ultimately enlighten humanity. A man for his time no doubt!

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    Recent Commentsshekinah on New Moon in Libra Pt. 1 - What’s Happening in October-November 2013Lainie on New Moon in Libra Pt. 1 - What’s Happening in October-November 2013Andrew Adam on Expecting Godzilla Autumn 2013 - More Bad News From FukushimaDebbie on Happy 2013 Video Birthday to Gwen Stefani, India.Arie, Lindsey Buckingham, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Eddie Cochrane, and Chubby CheckerMaria on Expecting Godzilla Autumn 2013 - More Bad News From FukushimaMicheline on Expecting Godzilla Autumn 2013 - More Bad News From FukushimaJoanne on Expecting Godzilla Autumn 2013 - More Bad News From FukushimaJulia on Happy 2013 Video Birthday to the Remarkable Musician and Humanitarian Known As Stingcaliban on How Can We Know Success From Failure, and How Much Control Do We Have Over Life?Valerie on Astrology in October 2013 – A Cardinal T-Square with Other Frictional Gear GrindingSara on Happy 2013 Birthday to the Immortal Groucho MarxRodJM on How Can We Know Success From Failure, and How Much Control Do We Have Over Life?Jeanette on Happy 2013 Birthday to One of the Greatest Poets in History, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad RumiDebbie on Happy 2013 Birthday to One of the Greatest Spiritual Astrologers of All Time, the Legendary Marc Edmund JonesDebbie on How Can We Know Success From Failure, and How Much Control Do We Have Over Life?Philipp Manser on Happy 2013 Birthday to One of the Greatest Poets in History, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad RumiCathy on Astrology in October 2013 – A Cardinal T-Square with Other Frictional Gear GrindingVeronica Norman on Happy 2013 Birthday to One of the Greatest Poets in History, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad RumiDebbie on Astrology in October 2013 – A Cardinal T-Square with Other Frictional Gear GrindingRobert on There Are Many Ways To Meditate – Pt.3Amrita on Happy 2013 Birthday to One of the Greatest Poets in History, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad RumiKate Minogianni on There Are Many Ways To Meditate – Pt.3Kate Minogianni on Astrology in late September 2013 – It’s a Venus square Mars weekend as Mercury enters ScorpioRodJM on Mahatma Gandhi’s “Seven Deadly Social Sins”RodJM on Astrology in late September 2013 – It’s a Venus square Mars weekend as Mercury enters ScorpioRodJM on More than 800 Scientists Affirm There Is No Doubt that Humans Are Responsible for Global WarmingJake on Antarctica After the Ice Has Melted and All Coastal Cities are Under 190 Feet of Wateryzse on We Have Saturday Night Attitude Dancing Courtesy of the Legend, Mister Boo “Lucky” WilburyDebbie on Astrology in late September 2013 – It’s a Venus square Mars weekend as Mercury enters ScorpioDebbie on More than 800 Scientists Affirm There Is No Doubt that Humans Are Responsible for Global WarmingSubscribe to this blog's feed


There Are Many Ways To Meditate – Pt.3

Most of us are so busy living life sometimes it's convenient to forget to meditate. Yet from one point of view, living life is a meditation in itself!

This is the next segment in our multi-part series on meditation. I last offered this specific material 2+ years ago, and I’ve rewritten several parts and added new material to flesh out some concepts and make it more readable.

This article was inspired by a client who felt that life was showing her the importance of renewing her meditation practice which had fallen by the wayside due to work considerations. I reminded her that for our lives to be enjoyable, it should combine work and play, and if we keep working at playing and playing at working, eventually we'll find our way to a happy productivity 24/7!

Life can be a meditation if we learn how to view it as such and fully enter into the mystery of the process of our self-unfoldment. That means connecting some dots, renouncing some assumptions, and remembering that often it won’t make sense from a linear standpoint. We don’t have to learn to play in the key of A, then B, then C. Sometimes we are playing in keys we’ve never known before.

A good meditation on our existence can be had by taking a look from time to time at our inner and outer self-image, and seeing if the relationship between these two essential elements of “self” accurately reflects our Higher Self, or if we're off track or out of balance somehow. If the former, then we can contemplate the nature of the self to the Self, always a great meditation when we stop judging and enjoy the experience. And if we’re off track or out of balance, through seeing the relationship of the self to the Self, we understand how to bring the inner and outer back into alignment.

Given the immense number of distractions constantly streaming in from the outer world, it is important to learn how to step back from the chatter and white noise from time to time so we can be still and hear "the voice of the silence." While it's safe to say that meditation is one of the tools we can use to access the Higher Self and "All-That-Is," there are many ways to meditate, with different practices more efficacious for some and not for others.

My client had been given some clear signals that reminded her she needing a regular meditation. These signals involved chanting meditations she once had done. As I told her, there are many kinds of meditation, and different forms will create different results at different times in life. Silence may work better for some, while chanting may work better for others, and even these will shift in effectiveness over time.

Most valid meditational forms work for everyone to some degree, but again, much depends on our own path of Self-realization. Chanting is only one of many meditational forms, and while it does work for everyone to some degree, it's also not necessarily THE path, or even the best path to take, for those walking the Way of individualization.

That's because there are many forms of Yoga (Sanskrit for "Yoke," or that which binds us to Spirit). Mantra Yoga (chanting) is only one path of many. Chanting is no more or less valid than Jnana Yoga (Yoga of Knowledge) or Karma Yoga (Yoga of deeds/right action). We can come to Higher Awareness through many paths, and chanting is only one form of meditation among many. Much depends on our ability to focus, stay focused, and how easy or difficult it is to get out of our own way.

I've practiced meditations involving both "right action" and "right knowledge and right view" for decades. I've sat and walked and focused and not focused and done many other meditative forms, including reading astrological charts. At times I've contemplated mandalas and yantras, natural and manufactured symbols, as well as done structured meditations on the 7 Planes of Consciousness and the 7 Rays.

All of these provided me ways to access the Higher Planes and the subtle realms. All helped me "get out of my own way," including the "building a stone wall" meditation and the "lapping cat" meditation. Again, "Zen and the art of Motorcycle Maintenance" is not just the title of a book!

And yes, I've also chanted at various times across the years on my Path to Truth. I chanted with the Hari Krishnas in Austin for a while back in the early 70s, did Vedic chants and group healing affirmations in NYC at Hilda Charlton's gatherings in the early 80s, and chanted with the "Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo" sect of Japanese Buddhism in Southern California in the late 80s. I've done my own practice since then utilizing any number of mantras for various purposes.

I also asked for a mantra from Ammachi about 16 years ago for a specific purpose. (Yes, it worked perfectly!) So I do know the power of Mantra Yoga through a variety of angles of approach, which is a necessary practicum in discovering key elements of the science of vibration.

That’s also why a great meditation is learning to monitor our speech so that what we say accurately expresses our heart and our optimism rather than our pessimism. Learning to listen to what we say and how we say it, and then changing our words and how we express ourselves is one of the most important meditations we’ll ever do. It’s actually somewhat of an ongoing meditation, and as such it produces concrete results relatively quickly.

While chanting can in fact lead to forms of higher consciousness, I found that, being a devotional path, it doesn't allow for much individual self-expression beyond the mantra. Chanting the Sound allows us to lose our sense of the separated self but it does not address other factors required for individuated Self-realization. That said, if you do find one or more mantras that work for you and you surrender the fears and questions that arise in the discontented mind, there will be times when you do feel more centered and even joyous.

Tai Chi, Chi Gong, ceramics, painting, music, dancing, doing specific forms of walking meditations, and sitting still in one pointed focus are all forms of meditation. So are mental practices in understanding the interrelatedness of things, merging inner and outer views, stopping mental chatter and distractive influences, reading certain books that will open the doors of higher perception, and learning how to tame the five senses and the mind.

Even going into deep nature searching for a vision of whatever you believe will bring you higher awareness, along with practices in spaciousness and luminosity, are valid forms of meditation. You can definitely find yourself one with Nature once the mind and feelings are out of the way. We can lose ourselves and our fears in deep Nature, while finding our Self at peace with All-That-Is.

For those who want a basic meditation practice that will lead to interesting insights into the nature of the relationship of the self to the Self, start by creating a small altar somewhere in your home where you can sit and focus on how those "sacred objects" symbolize your Higher Self. The objects we value show us something of our appreciation for beautiful and/or meaningful forms, and as such mirror our values back to us. Many times what we value shows us part of the "floor plan" of our personality.

The point of meditation is to learn how to "get out of our own way," and commune with the subtle worlds of higher existence. (That's why Reiki is also a great meditational form!) I believe the best meditation is one where we can examine how we can still ourselves from responding to outer distractions, bringing our physical, emotional, and mental worlds to a smooth integration, resulting in realizations where we can see our lives as an uninterrupted integrating flow toward greater awareness.

I suppose the ideal is self-forgetfulness. I’ve actually achieved states of not remembering my body, feelings, or thoughts, but never for that long. I’ve also learned that one should NOT meditate while on a long drive, since forgetting that you’re on a road going at a fast rate of speed can have disastrous results! And one can meditate while driving in ways that allow for a much broader understanding of the experience of our lives, whether on micro or macro levels.

While I’ve known many who desired to forget this world and attain a “permanent,” or at least enduring sense of self-forgetfulness, it’s useful to keep in mind that as long as we are in a body with feelings and thoughts, there will be service to do in the world. Remember, there are many different kinds of Yoga to learn and practice so that we are well-rounded in our realizations about the relationship of the self to the Self.

The effectiveness of meditation often depends on our higher aspirations, and whether we're on a Path to Higher Realization through the school of Art, Science, or Philosophy. All Beings are not the same, and thus each responds in their own way to promptings on the Path that is most natural to them. While any valid meditational practice will help serve the goal of personality integration so that the Higher Self is made manifest as a vehicle for Soul expression, some meditational forms are more effective, and some less effective, at different times in life.

One caveat: no dogma will ever bring enlightenment, so beware of situations where someone is insisting their way is better than all other ways. While another may have found something that works (or seems to work) for them at the time, it may or may not be efficacious for us at that time. I have found my “still, small, inner voice” usually guides me right if I’m willing to listen to it rather than my own mental chatter and others’ opinions.

On a final note for today, a great meditation is to see the events and people throughout our life who helped us to a greater awareness and/or compassion and/or Self-realization. Then we see elements of our “Hero’s journey” leading us from ignorance to knowledge and wisdom. Through piercing the form and understanding the essence of the process, we can follow the breadcrumbs through the forest of our ideas and perceptions to come to understand our personality as a vehicle through which our Sacred Self manifests.

Since the Teacher, the Teaching, and the Taught are all one together, we can see our lives as a Sacred Quest that has brought us in contact with many who have shown us the Way, whether through positive, negative, or neutral events. Our entire life is showing us patterns, and through these we can come to know our Heart. In knowing our Heart, we come to know the integrity of our Truth of Being, the Light we Eternally radiate across lifetimes.

ALL forms of meditation should ideally serve this realization. Re-read as needed.

Aum Mani Padme Hum!

Previous articles in this series:

There Are Many Ways to Meditate - Pt. 1

There Are Many Ways to Meditate - Pt. 2

Copyright © 2011, 2013 Robert Wilkinson

September 26, 2013 | Permalink

Technorati Tags:chanting, different meditations, hari krishna, jnana yoga, karma yoga, mantra yoga, meditation, nam myo ho renge kyo, self-unfoldment


I was given a mantra meditation for connecting with my intuition by a Kundalini yoga 'guru' who has a very high standing. He said I should do this meditation daily for the rest of my life. A friend who is part of this community emphasized I should definitely follow this because it is apparently extremely rare that someone is being given such an instruction--she added she only knows one more person like that (who stopped doing her meditation, and the effects for her are 'disastrous'.) To me, it feels like a spell, because I don't want to be bound to anything. It is too easy to believe that, when something bad happens, it was because you didn't do your meditation.
I choose to be 'free'. Any opinion on this?

Posted by:Daniela |September 26, 2013 at 08:25 PM

Hi Daniela - If someone puts THAT absolute a command on something we're supposed to do, then we have the right to ask why, and if there are ANY alternatives that would work just as well. There are many roads that can lead us home, so to speak.

We have every right to require anyone laying a trip on us explain TO OUR SATISFACTION why they believe they can determine one thing about our life and destiny. I've never liked Kundalini since it unnecessarily stimulates certain centers that will do just fine if we tend to our heart chakra, which is not done through kundalini exercises. The Yoga of the Heart requires more than the spiritual materialists believe, and few are willing to do "the yoga."

Glad you're breaking through the fetter of superstition. Bravo!! "Yogic" practices are good, and loving-wisdom is better! And anything that induces fear is a drag, and unworthy of our Higher aspirations.

ps - connecting with your intuition is easy, once you reference the heart and not all the other blather coming at your mind. It's literally as easy as getting out of your own way. You don't need a highly regarded guru to know your intuition, and develop it as you need. That said, a good guide is always useful, but the trick is finding the right guide. It's usually not the one laying the gospel on ya....


It's the Autumnal Equinox 2013 - What's Coming in October, November, and December 2013

The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: Error in deserializing body of request message for operation 'Translate'. The maximum string content length quota (30720) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader. Line 2, position 34374. The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: Error in deserializing body of request message for operation 'Translate'. The maximum string content length quota (30720) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader. Line 1, position 34573. Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology: It's the Autumnal Equinox 2013 - What's Coming in October, November, and December 2013 Aquarius Papers - Global AstrologyUsing Astrology, Spirit, and Archetypes to move and groove through the intersections of fate and free will.

And also the Vernal Equinox down under!! The Autumnal Equinox occurs Sept 22, 2013, at 1:44 pm PDT, 4:44 pm EDT, 9:44 pm Greenwich daylight time, marking the end of Summer and the beginning of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. It is said that a chart done for this point in time offers a snapshot of the cosmic and literal weather for the next 3 months.

Today is the last day of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, the last day of Winter in the Southern. If you’re wondering how I reconcile the seemingly opposing energies between the hemispheres, when you’re done here please take a look at The Mirroring of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere Year Cycles in Astrology. It may help readers “down under” see how the important points of seasonal change, though opposite in physical manifestation, actually have similar challenges at each point of shift.

There is an old tradition that offers us two times when "the year begins," one at the Vernal Equinox, the other at the Autumnal. Perhaps that tradition came from explorers who saw the seasons flip between the Northern and Southern, going from the beginning of warm to the beginning of cold as they moved up and down the latitudes.

This is an excellent time for looking at what has ended and what is emerging. We up North have done our Summer labor, and are reaping the harvest of what we've done and not done. In the Southern latitudes, they're beginning to plant the seeds that will grow over the next 180 days.

So if you're "down under," it's the beginning of Spring and beautiful weather. Just remember to have a little compassion for us up here when December 21-22, the Winter Solstice, rolls around and we're freezing while you're enjoying the beach!

Whether North or South, keep following through on the new roles, new initiatives, new feelings, new flow, and new ways of relating to others on more refined levels you’ve already begun to experience since Spring, since the season to come is the time to transfigure our future into more perfect forms. Regardless of where we live, what follows explores elements we all can expect to experience over the next 13 weeks.

The charts for the Solstices and Equinoxes provide guideposts for what we can expect the following 90 days in the way of weather, both actual and symbolic. The Autumn Equinox chart shows a majority of planets in the second decan of their signs, with 3 in the first and 2 in the third decan of their signs. This indicates a three month period of activity involving a lot of emotional, social, and cultural focus, with a lesser amount of actional, physical, and material focus, and relatively little individual-mental focus.

The nights will now begin to be longer than the days for 6 months to come in the Northern Hemisphere, with lengthening days in the Southern. The Sun is now in Libra, promising enhanced and expanded relationships and social interactions. We can find new ideals, new ways of measuring and evaluating the balance in things, and new perspectives that offer us a well-rounded understanding.

The outstanding quality of this Equinox chart is the very powerful Fixed T-square involving Moon at 12 Taurus opposed to Venus at 14 Scorpio and square Mars at 17 Leo. This will force us to integrate the energies in life areas involving this square, so it’s heads up wherever you have mid Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius in your charts!!

As the void falls in Aquarius, this will be a season to see a bigger picture, a greater way to contribute to some collective effort that will outlive you, and a genuine friendly detachment and dispassion when confronted with stuck situations and people. The void of a T-square shows either the problem, the solution, or both, depending on what’s happening in your life when these configurations occur.

This is one of the reasons things have felt so stuck and so slow, requiring a lot of patience on everyone’s part. We dealt with Venus conjunct Saturn up to now, and this T-square will test us for the next 90 days to keep it very impersonal and friendly. Examine goals, ambitions, and how your friends are or are not reflective of your values, your heart, and your current magnetism.

The Scorpio factor has been teaching us about Reversing Magnetism using Scorpio energy, which is an important skill to cultivate whenever we deal with squares or oppositions to planets in that sign. You can bet that when Mercury crosses through the Scorpio zone of this Equinox T-square it will bring Mercurial manifestations of this set of tests.

As Mercury goes retrograde at 19 Scorpio on October 21, it means we’ll get the first set of releases and challenges to integrate from Oct 6 through 21, we’ll get the next set as Mercury retrogrades back through the 11-18 Scorpio zone from Oct 21 through 31. Then after it goes direct at 3 Scorpio on November 10, we’ll get another Mercury pass from November 21-26. And keep in mind the Sun crosses through the zone from November 2-10, so expect those periods to show you what this Equinox T-square is all about for you.

Primary lessons involving this particular T-square are for us to make sure we’re using the right means to achieve our ends. Fit things into a long range perspective, and keep it all on the rails despite momentary diversions and distractions. Don’t get needlessly aggravated when too much is going on all at once, and definitely don’t create “straw men” to fight when it would be easier to detach and take it a little easy.

Other lessons involve not allowing ourselves to be taken as non-entities and/or inconsequential, and see what we really care about, bring it to the attention of others, and rise to some “emergency” that can bring us into line with our higher purpose. Don’t neglect what’s important while finding a way to give enough time to the various projects that really matter to you. Keep all the minor issues related to the major play, don’t let yourself get jockeyed out of perfectly good opportunities, and awaken self or others to the need for action!

The T-square is given added power through the Sun at the critical degree of 1 Libra (bringing forth “symbolic deaths that are an initiation into a greater spiritual reality”) being semi-square to both Venus and Mars while sesquisquare the Moon. That means this Octile set of aspects will most affect those with planets or angles near 11-18 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, as well as 26 Gemini-3 Cancer, 26 Virgo-3 Libra, 26 Sagittarius-3 Capricorn, and 26 Pisces-3 Aries.

The End of a Long Era

2013 was the first time in quite a few years where the very heavy Cardinal T-squares, and especially Pluto in early Capricorn, aren’t a major factor in the Solstice and Equinox charts. The Sun and Pluto were conjunct at Winter Solstice 2012, but were binovile at the Vernal Equinox in late March 2013. They were in wide opposition at the Summer Solstice, and now are 99 degrees apart, making no aspect. The coming Winter Solstice conjunction will be the last aspect in this series.

Taking a look back, in Dec 2006, the Sun was in close conjunction with Pluto at the Galactic Center. After that point the Sun always conjuncted, squared, or opposed Pluto at the Solstices and Equinoxes. This started getting more drastic at the 2009 Summer Solstice since the Sun conjuncted Uranus (still in late Pisces), and Uranus began to square Pluto. Once Saturn in Libra joined the Sun-Pluto dance at the 2009 Autumn Equinox chart, we entered a period of very intense Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto T-squares and/or Grand Crosses until Winter Solstice 2010. Lots of articles in the archives explain it in great detail.

The Sun-Pluto hard aspects at the Solstices and Equinoxes since 2007 have been challenging us all to find confidence in the midst of chaotic conditions, and use self-discipline and deep insights to pioneer in new directions. If the Solstice and Equinox charts show the weather patterns to come, this chart indicates we’re just about done with our Sun-Pluto hard lessons in play 2007-2012, and have entered a new era of spiritual evolution.

Given that Pluto is one of the anchors of The Grand Irrationality, when squared it releases a lot of energy precipitating situations that move people to make choices that propel them into their destiny. This rolled forward in a huge way during the Summer 2010 Cardinal T-square involving Pluto, and now that the Sun again occupies Saturn's late July-early August 2010 position, we can definitely expect things related to that T-square to power up!

As I noted, I've written about the Cardinal squares and oppositions to Pluto in several Equinox and Solstice articles in past years. You can find out a lot via this article on the bigger picture involving Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto squares and oppositions at that time in history, and what everyone on Earth went through in 2009-2011. It also has internal links to other articles on each of the squares and oppositions and what they mean.

As it was composed during the T-squares of the earliest degrees, it is very relevant to what’s triggered at these Equinox and Solstice points. At the bottom of this one, I’ve included links to two more articles that can help explain why 2009-2011 turned everyone on Earth in new directions.

A Sun conjunct, square, or opposition to Uranus or Pluto releases a lot of energy, and either blocks or propels events. That's because squares tend to put the brakes on some things, while indicating a "turning of a corner" in other things. Conjunctions bring new year cycles of transformational Light/Life, while oppositions bring awareness and polarizations.

Strong aspects to Pluto often show things going out of control or something extreme happening that results in either a favorable purification or a grinding toxicity. Strong aspects to Uranus often show things being unexpectedly revolutionized or renovated, with an awakening to a greater freedom that will not be denied by any thing.

Now that we’ve examined the Sun-Pluto energies, let’s turn to Uranus. The Sun squared Uranus in the June 2010 Solstice chart, conjuncted it in the March 2011 Equinox chart, squared it again in the June 2011 Solstice chart, and opposed it in the September 2011 Equinox chart. It made the same aspects for the December 2011 Solstice and March 2012 Equinox charts as previously, but in the June 2012 Solstice chart the Sun was too wide to make a square.

However, in the 2012 Autumnal Equinox chart Uranus retrograded back to a Solar opposition, again creating a major line of tension between the Great Light and the Revolutionizer. In any Sun-Uranus affliction, there is a need to control willfulness and erraticism, and turn those high tension energies toward finding inner values that the world will recognize and reward, and stop making excuses for non-action.

Sun-Uranus hard aspects challenge us to embrace the values and standards we hold in our hearts and pursue them with no reservations. We had to bring our genius to the fore while tempering any erratic tendencies or willfulness that sent us in directions at odds with what we were trying to accomplish.

We all learned to follow our higher genius or special qualities that may have been abruptly awakened. These energies helped us rise to some urgency we care about, develop "social intuition," and be wholehearted in pursuing goals that called to our hearts.

As with the passing seasons of preceding Equinox and Solstice charts, this is a time of decision, using our "free will" to demonstrate our wisdom and training as they have gestated over the long haul. It is a time when we can find a renewed sense of purpose and ways of creatively expressing that purpose as well as the higher genius of Self.

Jones Pattern, Dispositors, and the Lunar Phase

The planets in this chart are in a Splay pattern, which I explained in the recent article The September New Moon in Virgo Pt. 2 - Signs, Sabian Symbols, and What It All Means This chart shows a wide distribution, with one or more planets across 8 signs and the tripod quality anchored by the Water planets.

In this chart, Venus, Mars and the Sun make up the “chain of dispositors,” with Neptune apart from the rest of the planets. That makes Venus, Mars, and the Sun very powerful, as they form the backdrop to various energies of the other planets. As there is a combination of frictional and productive aspects made between the planets in the chart, you can expect a blend of these qualities to be present over the next 90 days.

Since Venus rules the Sun it strengthens the Sun, and facilitates a more loving approach to all life and relationships. As Venus is at 14 Scorpio, there will be a focus of the Light on how to build and/or strengthen lines of communication into unknown zones.

Much will be released in magical ways for those who know how to use the courage, faith, and devotional power of Mars to sever what must be severed to join in a public renewal. Nobility and creativity will work to move stuck situations while maintaining a “live and let live” attitude as we stop seeking and become spiritual warriors. Some will find shortcuts in their evolution, and need to find protective mechanisms to guard the “gold strike” as they rest after the labor.

The Full Moon Lunar phase in the T-square while sextile to Jupiter and quintile to Neptune shows that we’ll need to survey what we need to continue to stabilize our works. As we do this there will be many opportunities to be productive in finding that which sustains our nourishment, and simple intuition will help us navigate the occasional traffic jams in the collective atmosphere.

Important Aspects

Besides the powerful octile-series aspects mentioned earlier, other important forming aspects include Venus trine Jupiter and tredecile Neptune, Mars binovile Saturn, Jupiter tredecile Saturn, Saturn quincunx Uranus, and the ever-ominous Uranus square Pluto. These show us things to come over the next 13 weeks! The separating aspects show things already past.

Venus and Neptune bring special interactive gifts and circumstances for those with planets or angles between 1-5 Virgo-Pisces, 7-11 Libra-Aries, 13-17 Scorpio-Taurus, 20-24 Sagittarius-Gemini, and 26-30 Capricorn-Cancer. Of course, Venus makes two huge aspects, a trine to Jupiter and a square to Mars. We again continue to build through Water, or feeling-flow, and release through Fire, or inspiration.

Again, don’t let momentary interruptions deflect you off your goals, and make sure you’re clear about what means you need to achieve your ends. Learn to get a steady coordination between your various affairs so you don’t get diverted, fit things into a long range broad view, and you should be able to keep things going despite the distractions.

Saturn quincunx Uranus will bring huge adjustments and sacrifices based in the turning points we’ve confronted during the long period where Saturn was triseptile Uranus, discussed in numerous New and Full Moon articles over past months. This quincunx shows something MUST give way in either our Saturn function or our Uranus function or both.

The adjustments will occur wherever we have 10-11 Aries and Scorpio in our charts. We’ll all be able to pull out of nosedives and move into new vistas of conscious, concrete development, as well as find opportunities to combine imagination and engineering to use visualization and skill to bring forth new significant forms and processes in our lives that can help us get things done.

Other Factors

Due to the emphasis of Venus, Saturn, and the North Node in Scorpio, keep eliminating useless emotions or toxic responses. This is the time to eliminate old ways of relating, as well as stagnant life structures, and move into deeper feeling-connections with others. We’re going deeper this season, and have the ability to move into a much broader view of who we are and what we are here to contribute to our world.

So this season brings conflict and major releases and turning points, but at least we’ll have the ability to see a bigger view and move into a more fluid way of finding what we need and expressing compassion as we enter unknown zones. We can also find that which refreshes us within a collective setup, this leading to the rebirth hinted at a few paragraphs up.

This continues to help us find what we need to continue to build the vision we first encountered between August 2011 and March 2012 that began a life chapter of our part in building toward a new society, new ways of living, new ways of working, new ways of relating, whether to each other, the Earth and Her creatures, the invisible world, or Life Itself. Make your life a work of art, and your art a work of life, and keep it all simple and pleasant through the storms that are all around.

Decide with precision, and then act with strength, courage, and creativity. Get the information and interactions you need, and then go deep into your experience and feel the power of the flow. Then go do whatever you need to do. Buena suerte, and Godspeed!!

Aum and blessings as we stand on the threshold of a new season of life!

For some perspective on 2013 so far, here are the past Solstice and Equinox articles.

Summer Solstice 2013 - What's Coming in July, August, and September

It's the Vernal (Spring) Equinox 2013 - What's Coming in April, May, and June

Happy Winter Solstice 2012 - Part 1

Happy Winter Solstice 2012 - Part 2

If you want to know more about the 2009-2011 period and why things were so crunchy back then, here are a couple that will help make things clearer:

There's more about the specific lessons of Saturn in early Libra square Pluto in early Capricorn, the structure for much that has evolved since then, in the article Is It Saturn Square Pluto That's Giving Me A Hard Time, or Something Else? And in Who Is the Saturn in Libra Square Pluto in Capricorn Most Impacting? you will see which birthdays and generations have been and continue to be impacted every time a Cardinal T-square is set into motion at this time in history.

© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson

September 21, 2013 | Permalink

Technorati Tags:astrology, Autumnal Equinox, cardinal cross, Cardinal T square, Equinox, Fixed T-square, galactic center, Grand cardinal cross, Grand Irrationality, Jupiter in Cancer, Mars in Leo, quincunx, quintile, Saturn in Scorpio, Venus square Mars

well all I am able to offer as one in the southern hempishpere with a human date/time line that precedes most of the northern hemisphere is,that we enter the dawn of a new day first, not as in first the winner simply first as in natural process and we have endured the first winter post 2012 and yes it it has been very challenging yet we are still here as the light now begins to return to our part of the world and it is doable, so long as one doesnt get caught up in the fear, keeps ones eye on wthe direction you are aiming the ball and the passion to create the opportunities or the seeds now planted that will germinate under the cover of darkness throughout what sometimes seems to be a harsh winter. Pay attention to what is occurring in this hemishpere as it may be used as a heads up of pitfalls you may be able to avoid by changin your mind on anything that doesnt look good down here, we have often been served up s...t and told to see it as manure which is not true and what hasbee "burned" in accordance will no doubt be revealed in the comins days for those who swallowed it the rest of us, well regardless of what we no longer have, we still have our bodies and our faith and what may come is no worse than what we have learned to adapt to in order to survive and hopefully flourish ahead.
Namaste to you all, and genuine thanks as always Robert, for your unique expression of the scenarios from your writings and ares, very grateful.

ph and ps hahahaha yeah here she goes yet more to say, I have natally Pluto 5VIrgo, Chiron 5Pisces, Neptune 8Scorpio, Venus 15Taurus and finally Saturn 28Cap, and feel like I am in the middle of an amazing adventure, yes there is some fear that rises from time to time due to the unknown, but in mostly it feels like the excitement of a new adventure adn all the wonderful new things to see and experience,I feel like a tour guide learning a new route, quite um, not sure how to describe it really, it does feel good though whatever it is hahahaha!

Posted by:Debbie |September 21, 2013 at 08:06 PM

Hello Robert...thank you for this article and all you do! Is the link to the 'Who is the Saturn in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn Most Impacting' link working? I cannot seem to access this article.


Hi Debbie - You are truly in the middle of an amazing adventure! I have no doubt you'll do quite well in the transition.

Hi Debra - A decan is a third of a sign, a ten degree span that's at the beginning, middle, or end of a sign.

Hi Teresa - Fixed the busted link.

Posted by:Robert |September 22, 2013 at 06:07 PM

Should be an intetesting adventure with my venus at 14 d scorpio (today is my venus return!!!) conjunct my ic! My progressed moon is almost at 10d scorpio and transiting saturn as well North Node!!!

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The Harvest Full Moon of Virgo-Pisces in September 2013 Pt. 2 – Sabian Symbols Showing It’s Purification Time At the Threshold of A New Cycle

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This distributive, practical, unifying Full Moon that will teach us lessons of significant form falls at the 27th degree of Virgo and Pisces. This is the spiritual power of Divine discrimination and practical spiritual service expressed in a compassionate way. Here we take the openings offered since the New Moon and purify ourselves for more effective service at the culmination of an old process.

Full Moons heighten feelings, due to the opposition of the Moon and the Sun. This particular Lunation has no forming oppositions except the Moon and Sun. All the other oppositions are separating, showing polarizations that have already happened.

While the recent Mercury-triggered Grand Cardinal Cross is now in the rear view mirror, this Full Moon brings the very tight forming Mercury square Jupiter front and center. With Venus square Mars, these personality planets in square show a lot of recent fracturing will release powerful forces where we will all turn significant corners in areas impacted by Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces. That’s 3/4 of our existence!

The only mitigating favorable aspects are Moon tredecile Jupiter, Mercury biquintile Chiron, Venus trine Jupiter and Chiron, Sun quintile Jupiter, Mars biquintile Pluto, and Saturn sextile Pluto. These show a lot of specialized interactive uniqueness, with a solid productivity from the favorable Saturn, which is unafflicted in the chart.

Dispositors - What's the Backdrop to the Energies?

The Moon is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, while the Sun is ruled by Mercury. This makes the water element loom large in how the Moon expresses itself, and brings more balance to the Sun. In this chart, the Moon and Jupiter are in mutual reception, and Neptune is its own dispositor. Apart from these planets, the other primary chain of dispositors involves Mars in Leo, Sun in Virgo, Mercury in Libra, and Venus in Scorpio. You can find out more by going to Astrology Class – What Is A Dispositor and What Is Mutual Reception Between Two Planets?

In the chain of final dispositors, Sun is semisquare Mars, Mercury makes no aspect to the Sun, Venus makes no aspect to Mercury, but Venus and Mars are in square. That makes the internal relationship between the various backdrop factors affecting most of the planets frictional. Mars is showing us how to act dramatically after careful planning, Mercury is showing us how to retire from old dramas and find peace, and Venus shows us that we should find ourselves reunited with old comrades in the next two weeks.

So one group of energies involve the Moon, Jupiter, and Neptune, while the other group involves the rest, with backdrop energies spread out across 4 signs. Make sure you’re using the right means to your ends, don’t get deflected or distracted by momentary things, fit everything into a long range perspective, and find a way to coordinate affairs so everything stays on the rails despite disruptions.

Due to Saturn being a dispositor of Pluto, and Saturn being one of the Water anchors for the Splay configuration at work in this chart, it intensifies the prominence of Scorpio energies. We continue to be put in touch with a deeper reality, or a deeper feeling of connection with others as well as our own emotional depth.

As noted yesterday, any irrationality stems from the Sun triseptile Neptune. I gave the hot zones that trigger these choices, changes, and events that mark forks in the road of destiny across many areas of our lives, given the planets and signs involved. Please reference yesterday’s section on the Grand Irrationality to know more.

We’re now moving through a period of expanded feelings, and the experience in being in a current that is taking us somewhere. This is a time of quickened flow, emotional intelligence, and a new stability that will be with us for years. As in June, July, and August, we will be experiencing our Soul promptings more acutely during this time of deep feelings and necessary structuring. This Full Moon will bring turning points in what we think, how we communicate, and what we value, even though the process will feel conflicted and we’ll know our ideals and relationships have hit important turning points.

The Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon

This Full Moon falls at 27 Pisces-Virgo. It is said that the last third (decan) of any sign deals with the mental-spiritual levels of life, and being the last decan of those signs, invokes a sub-influence of Scorpio and Taurus.

Since the Moon always focuses the light of the Sun in specific forms, the degree symbols for both are important. The Sun degree is the illumination or enlightenment of the Lunation, whereas the Moon shows us the potential forms that enlightenment will take. Though I’ve given you a sense of what this is about up to now, here’s where we go into detail.

The Solar degree symbol for the 27th degree of Virgo is “Grand dames at tea. ‘ In the original notes from the Marc Jones class on the symbols, Rudhyar ways this is a degree of “Preservation of social and cultural values,” “Inward, unobtrusive superiority, or else pure smugness,” and “prestige of position.”

In the Mandala he goes on to say this is a degree of "the ability to carry on a revered tradition in order to perpetuate cultural standards of excellence.” He says this symbol is about learning “to act efficiently in the many rituals of a culture,” where “dignity, elegance, and respect for formal rules are essential.”

He states that this is a time when honoring formal procedures is needed, and “the undisciplined need to learn refinement.” So the illumination available via this Full Moon is through the Light of being refined by honoring some formal procedure that preserves social or cultural values. He states this degree falls in the Span of Experimentation, Act of Stabilization, and Scene of Education on the Individual-Mental level.

Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, says this is a degree of “life’s maturity as a threshold of new discovery,” emphasizing “the fact that each individual may pass on what (they) have gained and thereby have an effective continuance of (themselves) through others.” He offers us that “here are highly concentrated assets of selfhood as the reservoir of racial assets, since the traditions of one generation are always the ever-ready strength of the next.”

He offers the keyword APLOMB. He states that when operating positively, the degree is “an efficient administration of inheritance or position and a full capitalization on the opportunities of common experience.”

The Lunar degree symbol for the 27th degree of Pisces is “A harvest Moon.” In the original Jones class notes, Rudhyar says this is a degree of “the power of creative visualization by which great dreamers transcend outer reality,” and “complete dominance of circumstances.”

In the Astrological Mandala, he goes on to say that this degree symbolizes “the light of fulfillment that blesses work well done.” He goes on to state this symbol “brings us the message that the time has come to reap what we have not only sown, but also cultivated – or failed to cultivate.”

He says this symbol represents a consummation, a karmic moment, where “the seed of the new cyclic manifestation is already latent.” He says this degree falls in the Span of Protection, Act of Capitalization, and Scene of Perpetuation on the Individual-Mental level.

Dr. Jones says this is a degree of “life’s moments of culmination as the threshold of new achievement,” emphasizing “the fact that nature in her immeasurable prodigality is forever showing (us) with the products of her untiring creativeness.” He says this shows us our productivity is as rich as Nature’s, “and that the highly concentrated resources of the world are at the immediate service of anyone who will put them to use and so facilitate their replacement.”

He offers us the keyword BENEDICTION. He states that when operating in a positive manner, this degree “is self-consummation which is successful beyond any possibility of measure.”

From these symbols it seems we can see the light of a refinement illuminating our innate superiority taking shape through the rewards for our creativity and persistence up to now. Here the light of Divine discrimination educates us in ways that show we’ve hit a threshold and point of consummation of some past effort. This is the light of practical discipleship taking form through creative visualization enabling us to master our circumstances.

As with the last several Full Moons, important transformations helping us see a deeper Mystery are evoked by this Lunation. This calls us to a greater empathy and ability to know shared feelings, and continues to educate us in an emotional understanding we’ve been chasing the entire Summer. As usual, just keep moving with the flow, don’t try to push the river, and go deeper in your inner and outer feeling connections.

Learn to trust the process, and trust in your ability to navigate these currents as you embrace a new life. This feeling magnetism is showing us who are part of our Soul-group.

TransPluto, Divine Mother, Neptune, and the Polarization in the Collective Atmosphere

One important thing to note. In the Full Moon charts of 2009-2012, Neptune was in a very close opposition to TransPluto, the planet symbolizing Divine Mother Energy. That a factor in why things have been so polarized the past several years, teaching humanity compassion and the need for Viveka, or Divine Discrimination. This has offered all of us opportunities to join together in the Great Mother and realize our interrelatedness on a feeling level with All-That-Is.

The energies of Divine Mother will only grow stronger throughout this century, and these will be demonstrated each time the planets make significant aspects to TransPluto. In this chart TransPluto again occupies the first degree of Virgo, showing us the long term future of humanity. Again, the Divine Redeemer is showing us ways to show Viveka through understand the place and function of individual differences.

While Neptune has now moved on out of the exact opposition, they are again close between August and November 2013 now that TransPluto has re-entered Virgo and Neptune is at 4 Pisces retrograde. In this chart, it is quintiled by Saturn and Venus, showing us unique gifts and circumstances related to Divine “Redemptive-Compassion” lessons and expressions wherever we have early Virgo and mid-Scorpio.

A brief note on the larger Era. We approach the end of the TransPluto (Percephone, Parvati) in Leo era that we’ve known since September 20, 1935. Since October, 2011, we’ve been a transition period where this planet will dance at the last degree of Leo and first degree of Virgo through July 5, 2014.

So enjoy this penultimate period before the transition to a different transitional Era. After then we enter the TransPluto in Virgo era that will last through July, 2107, when it leaves Virgo for good and re-enters Libra for the last time, also after a few years of dancing on the cusp of Virgo and Libra.

Important Chart Factors

Many are finding a new stability or new sense of permanence wherever they have early Scorpio in their chart. There have been recent “fated” meetings, interactions, with fellowships and groups formed and connections deepened due to the recent Venus conjunct Saturn with both triseptile Uranus. It has been a time of radical choices, changes, forks in the road in the Aries and Scorpio areas of our lives, and much has been intensified over the past months leading us to a deeper personality integration.

Jupiter at 17 Cancer opens a long term growth process, where the seed that has germinated now become the growing plant. We’ve begun an active process of personality integration wherever this falls in our charts, and are getting ready to put on the show and come to realize some long held ambition beginning in a few weeks. As this is a process, we’ll be focused on this through April 2014.

So Just What Was the New Moon Theme for this Period?

Remember that the qualities of the Full Moon express whatever new directions we were shown at the previous New Moon. You will recall its theme was about going back to our roots, and finding a technique to do the spiritual work we are here to do. It also featured the last of the Saturn triseptile Uranus phases, with particular focus due to the New Moon septile Saturn and triseptile Uranus.

This means this month is the last of the critical forks in the road of destiny indicated by this karmic relationship between the planet of status quo and the planet of revolution. I explained it in the New Moon in Virgo article this way:

As noted, Saturn is now makes the last of a series of triseptiles with Uranus. This has had major implications for the degree spans involved, and put the conventional and unconventional elements of reality at a huge fork in the road. The first triseptile of Saturn in Scorpio to Uranus in Aries was in October 2012. The second triseptile was in May 2013. Now we get the last in the sequence through mid-September.

As the New Moon is septile Saturn and triseptile Uranus, this configuration is particularly powerful for the next month. It forms a “Kite” configuration with Uranus as the nozzle. Expect new visions of higher, more spiritual ways of living and Being to be seen clearly. Let your imagination soar to see your highest, best, most unique Self without comparing it to anything else.

The following zones are highly active for the next 4 weeks: 12-18 Virgo, 4-10 Scorpio, 25 Sagittarius-1 Capricorn, 17-23 Aquarius, 9-15 Aries, 30 Taurus-5 Gemini, and 21-27 Cancer. If you have a planet or an angle you can bet significant developments will show you how your responsibilities have met your individuality.

The seven zones activated by Saturn and Uranus show us how our tradition can transmute and accept our individuality, and how our limitations can be renovated to express our unique qualities. Here we confront fear of loss with the willingness to be a pioneer in some realm where we can express our genius. If you have a planet or angle in one of these zones, your destiny has been on the move, and continues to be on the move these next 4 weeks!

Spirit walks with this configuration, as well as any major septile series aspect between the planets. The choices we make as a result of these non-rational aspects show us our “direction of destiny,” and determines if the Spirit will grow stronger and closer with you, or if you will move in directions away from Spirit. Given that most of this community is intentionally trying to live in harmony with Life, Nature, and each other, chances are that whatever you – yes, YOU the reader – are confronting will show you a deeper, richer, more powerful Spiritual life. Which is a good thing.

In past Full Moon articles I included a page or more lifted from the articles on the previous New Moon. Since I am trying to shorten the articles for readability, I will no longer lift whole sections from those articles. Instead, please go back to part 1 of this Full Moon series where you will find links to those New Moon articles. They will help you understand the themes for this Full Moon period.

Jones Patterns and Element Balance

The planets fall in a Splay Jones pattern. This indicates a widely distributed planetary spread that shows a diverse but separated set of interests, with an emphasis on individuality putting itself into different situations that may not harmonize easily. So learn to triangulate when caught between conflicting energies that only come together because you are moving through those experiences.

The “Splay” Jones pattern features planets at odd angles widely spread around the signs. The Splay shows widely diverse actions that requires being at “the hub of the wheel” holding the various “spokes of life” in harmonious tension.

With 5 planets in Water, 1 in Air, 2 in Earth, and 2 in Fire we have an emphasis on feelings, with a balance between inspiration and practicality, and not much interactivity due to a shortage of planets in Air signs. This deficiency in Air shows that thinking, interacting, and socializing must come from within rather than external events. Since Air and Earth are “cool” elements and Fire and Water are “hot” elements, things may be a bit hotter and more emotional over the next two weeks.

More on how Uranus Square Pluto Is Ramping Up Radical Energies!

As I’ve mentioned off and on over the past 2+ years, we’re all learning to manage the “out of control” energies of Uranus square Pluto. I’ve discussed this aspect at length over quite a few articles in the archives. Use the site google box to find out more about this years’ long disruptive revolutionary influence. Welcome to the 21st century of upheaval, transformation, and titanic collisions between a new world being born and an old age that’s digging in even as it’s dying.

That square represents the ongoing revolution of our times, with innovations and pioneering energies in conflict with restrictive and controlling power structures. We’ll be dealing with this for a few years, and it promises to make this year and next very “electric and eclectic,” moving the world through a revolution unlike any seen since the 1960s!!

Uranus is on a degree of seeing a higher cosmic order we can aspire to, even if it’s not yet grounded. As usual, beware of those who are impatient, since explosiveness is in the air due to this position. As it is retrograde, we are reviewing lessons from the last half of May and first half of June.

As I noted in past Lunation articles, we’re now moving into a different social orientation for many years, so continue to learn how to concentrate to see the whole picture, as this shows us how to externalize our higher Self in new individual ways. It’s been the major theme for 2013, and given the aspects in play in this chart, through the cross currents we will be freed to express new views and new ways of relating to others. Venus will call us to deeper connections with our spiritual allies, and many will find themselves identifying with some group that shares the same energy demonstrated in some past activity shared in common.

For the next 4 months, regard the deeper transformations going on in your life as a “science lesson” showing you the laws of Nature. This Full Moon continues to remind us of the radical adventure into individuation we began in 2009-2010.

We are learning how we can fully embrace the feeling and experience of that emergent transformational role we accepted then, and this can help us get focused as we stand on the threshold of new adventures to come. Keep purifying yourself in every way, since the less sludge we carry forward the lighter and freer we’ll feel.

We are still being challenged to get beyond fear, see things from the past differently, and find relief through expressing the Higher Self that’s been “cut and polished” in past months. We can grow into a larger role when we’re confronted by old Pluto roles, coercions, and heavy-handed corrosive behavior. We can use the square between Uranus and Pluto in two big ways, both now and into the future.

We can exercise good Pluto function to put the brakes on negative Uranian manifestations, and good Uranus function to put the brakes on negative Pluto manifestations. Look to the harmonizing aspects to each to show which is building and which one is the release point for those energies. In this chart, Uranus is specializing many things in everyone’s lives, so go with the new rather than the established.

What's the proper sequence at present of deciding, feeling, and thinking, and an Overview of the Lunation

This Full Moon is refining and culminative, and puts deciding and acting front and center! As a process of moving through events, see what needs to be done, decide how you want to do it, and then find the knowledge, information, interaction, or vision that enables you to do what you have to do. Then when you’ve processed the information, interaction, vision, or idea, go deep within and get clear about what you’re feeling. Once you know what you’re feeling, it will naturally lead to new decision, new facts, and new actions, which will in turn be followed by a new vision, new information, or new understanding.

So this is a Lunation indicating that we’ll lead with our decisiveness, which will result in a vision, understanding, or need to communicate something. After we act and then process the information or vision, then we need to go deep within and feel the experience of those ideas and understanding that led to that feeling. Once we know what we’re feeling, new decisions will be natural and easy.

To sum up, this Lunation will help us refine a lot, finish our education in an important way, and show us a threshold of how we can master circumstances through creative visualization. We should be able to see clear growth patterns that serve our needs, as well as techniques to put on the show while retiring form old dramas. We’re reversing some form of decay in an organized and structured way, and so eliminating old stuff is perfect for this two week period, or finding a way to regenerate.

This Lunation will show us a newer, broader vision of effective service on greater levels than we have thought up to now. Use creative visualization in a focused way, and you could just magnetize something perfect for what you need here and now. There are gifts to be gathered in the next two weeks as we learn to find realizations through things that seem to be crossways with each other, but which share a common spiritual base or truth.

This continues a new freedom and adventure that began as a result of the voids created by the Eclipses of 2011. Despite the incredible amount of feeling energy during this time of planets moving through Water signs, try not to take the larger tensions, pressures, and friction personally. Even if this period puts us under pressure to make critical decisions, the flow will lead us exactly where we need to be.

As I’ve noted in previous Full Moon articles, since all shadows result from light hitting a dense object, it’s better to become as translucid as possible to dispel lurking shadows. And if you must look at the shadows, then refocus on the object being illuminated, since that’s the source of the shadow.

Find the correct 4 angles of illuminating whatever you want to focus on, and all shadows will be dispelled. Then you’re seeing things with an illuminated mind, and can act accordingly.

© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson

September 20, 2013 | Permalink

Technorati Tags:astrology, Dane Rudhyar, dispelling personality shadows, dispositor, Divine Feminine planet, Divine Mother, final dispositor, Full Moon in September, Full Moon in Virgo, Grand Irrationality, how will this full moon affect me, Marc Jones, mutual reception, New Moon in September, New Moon in Virgo, opposition, Percephone, quintile, Sabian symbols, septile, spiritual revelations in astrology, Splay chart, Transpluto, triseptile, why things are so weird and crazy

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