New Moon in Libra pt. 1. What is happening in October and November 2013

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Over the next 4 weeks, the New Moon in Libra indicates a time of idealism, aspiration, and to some degree, punctuates the wild ride of recent weeks. This is where we either rededicate ourselves to a deeper, more profound way of getting to the core of things, “come up for air” and lead a more natural life, or both.

This New Moon in Libra is airy, activating, initiating, and naturally inclined to see the better possibilities in people and circumstances. We’ve now solidly left the preponderance of Cancer energies that dominated the Summer months, though there will be echoes lasting until August 2014.

We’ve already gotten clear signals about what we feel and whether we’re cooperating or fighting the flow. Now that we’ve learn how to practice a new emotional intelligence, this New Moon will help release those energies pointing us toward our place of better service.

This activating, idealistic, archetypal, and individualizing New Moon occurs at 12 Libra on October 4, 5:34 pm PDT, 8:34 pm EDT, and October 5 at 1:34 am Greenwich Daylight (BST) The Lunation finds 21 Pisces rising in Santa Monica, 7 Pisces in Vancouver, 25 Taurus in Toronto, 4 Gemini in Montreal, and 24 Taurus in Washington DC. That means the span of Ascendants across North America is between early Pisces and early Gemini.

Continuing eastward, we find rising signs of 3 Gemini in Rio, 29 Cancer in Lisbon (Oct 5), 13 Leo in London, 23 Leo in Berlin, 26 Leo in Sofia, 9 Virgo in Johannesburg, and 11 Virgo rising in Moscow. That means the span of Ascendants across Europe and Africa is between early Gemini and mid Virgo.

Moving into Asia and Oceana, we find Ascendants at 5 Libra in Abbottabad, 9 Libra in New Delhi, 10 Libra in Trivandrum, 7 Scorpio in Phnom Penh, 13 Scorpio in Hong Kong, 30 Scorpio in Tokyo, 4 Sagittarius in Perth, 7 Capricorn in Melbourne, 8 Capricorn in Brisbane, 3 Aquarius in Wellington, and 7 Aquarius rising on Maui (Oct 4).

So you can construct a rough chart for where you are in the world, I’ll give you the rounded up degree for each planet. Use the Ascendants given above to get a rough sense of what’s on the eastern horizon where you are, and using an Equal House system, you can see what’s going on in your part of the world for the next 4 weeks.

In this New Moon at 12 Libra, Mercury is 7 Scorpio, Venus is 27 Scorpio, Mars is 24 Leo, Jupiter is 19 Cancer, Saturn is 11 Scorpio, Uranus is 11 Aries retrograde, Neptune is 3 Pisces retrograde, Pluto is 10 Capricorn, TransPluto is 1 Virgo, Chiron is 11 Pisces retrograde, and the NN is 8 Scorpio.

When a Lunation is on one of the angles of a chart, it is said to be particularly powerful. Among the cities covered in this column, this month the Lunation is culminating in east Oz and NeZ, and setting in Santa Monica. The New Moon is on the nadir in Lisbon, and rising in Pakistan, India, and Cambodia.

This is the third in a sequence of New Moons that fall in the same sign as the following Full Moon, This reverses many months of the New Moon falling in the sign preceding the Sun of the following Full Moon. In other words, this New Moon in Libra also has a Full Moon in Libra and Aries. This is the reverse of what we’ve experienced between July 2011-June 2013, when we had a sequence of Lunations where the Full Moon Sun was in the sign after the New Moon Sun.

We shifted back to “normal” with the New and Full Moons of August. Since I explain this phenomenon and what it means in the Full Moon articles, I’ll elaborate more on this shift into the “normal order of things,” and when the pattern will next be reversed, in the next Full Moon articles coming in about two weeks.

The New Moons and Full Moons are “God’s footprints in time.” Each shows the next in the 12 phases of how things come to be each year. The cycle could be described as follows: Life energy is initiated in Aries, substantiated in Taurus, explored in Gemini, grounded in Cancer, renewed and creatively expressed in Leo, refined and ordered in Virgo, balanced in Libra, purified in Scorpio, expanded in Sagittarius, organized in Capricorn, solidified into a vision in Aquarius, and ended/perpetuated in Pisces.

An Overview of the New Moon

This New Moon is dynamic, frictional, and marks a turning point in how we’re dealing with our Cancer issues that were raised in June, July, and August. Are you caring for yourself and whatever life you embraced this Summer? Does it align with your purpose and ability to serve your world a better way than in the past?

This Lunation requires that we “put on the show,” while seeing how to keep the momentum and initiative in our own hands. Practice new forms of “self-dramatization,” don’t believe exaggerated claims, and get focused through trusting your feelings showing you your spiritual strength. Concentrate on the inner rather than the outer, see the broader context of “your mission,” and using a broader compassion, commit to something that will add value to your life and world.

In a departure from past Lunations, this one has no septile series aspects, showing that at least for the next four weeks, things should make more sense than usual. That said, there are lots of squares, so some things may be challenging us to turn corners, putting the brakes on some things while moving energy in different directions.

Libra helps us get new perspectives, and moderate extreme views. It is an infinitely reasonable sign. The next few weeks should assist us in finding different perspectives in how to express our emergent emotional intelligence along established feeling paths and new forms of personality integration that began in June. Still, due to the Scorpio stellium, things will continue to be very intense.

Virgo helped us productively refine the major expansions and opportunities set into motion in June and July that will resonate through next Spring. This one helps us transfigure our individuality in ways that will throw us forward into an ideal. The next 4 weeks are not particularly practical, but we should find ourselves in pleasant company that adds “new blood” to what is already established.

This New Moon, while frictional in several important ways, is also highly specializing, and many will find unique gifts to fit their circumstances in life areas involving Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces. This one helps us concentrate so that we can release our “Master Builder” in creative and focused ways.

This activates our Libra and Scorpio in huge ways! This helps us anchor and smooth out our “up close and personal” feeling-knowing, integrating what we’ve been learning into a more perfectly formed personality. We’ve all developed an increased sensitivity to a greater feeling-flow and/or emotional intelligence via the Grand Water Trines active in June and July. This one helps us to use that feeling-energy to move into concrete decisions and actions!

Since Venus in late Scorpio leads the cluster of inner planets between Leo and Scorpio, it is the “herald” for all that is developing between September and November. Much that was promised by the past Lunations featuring planets in Libra will be an area of serious focus during the time Mars is in Libra from December 2013 and July 2014.

We continue via Saturn to eliminate and get rid of all that we don’t want nor need to take with us into a future that rapidly unfolded in July and August. When in doubt, you might as well let go, since you cannot hold on to those things anyway.

This New Moon will jumpstart Libra energy wherever it falls in our chart. This helps us bring our ideal into public view related to the new life chapter we began in the Spring.

This will help us see a) how we have transfigured since then, and/or b) the transfiguration we need to accept to live our greater ideal in our world. We’ve all passed through major choices and changes during past months when Saturn triseptiled Uranus. Now we’re finding the “right rhythm” to move forward toward an ideal.

This New Moon has an individual, mental, and spiritual focus. Because it happens in Libra, Venus rules the Lunation. Due to Venus’ position, this puts the focus on a more individualized form of faith, expressed in some action that leads self and others to a new vision or understanding.

So this Libra New Moon is ruled by Venus in Scorpio, which is ruled by Mars in Leo, which is ruled by the Sun in Libra. This constitutes the ”chain of dispositors” for the Lunation. However, as Neptune is also in its “home” sign, it is a standalone force unto itself. (I’ll be posting an update to that article soon, since the positions mentioned as examples happened a while ago.)

The Grand Irrationality is not in play for the next 4 weeks via the Lunation, but it will become a very powerful influence as Mercury nears its stationary retrograde at 19 Scorpio on October 21. I’ll write more about that in as that time gets closer. As noted in previous articles, the configuration will also be in full force when Mars sets the Grand Irrationality into motion at the end of November and beginning of December.

I’ve written extensively about the Grand Irrationality in past articles, most recently in The Grand Irrationality in May and June 2013 – Jupiter Leaving, Setting Up Triggers and enters Leo Triggering Major Energy shifts and the Grand Irrationality.When you’re done here, please check out those articles to find the current seven “hot zone” spans and times when this larger configuration associated with non-rational behavior and conditions will be activated.

Neptune and Chiron at the Cusp of the Age:

I’ve given you this information in previous New Moon articles, but I figured it’s so important for all of us that it has borne repeating once a month. This has been a major collective factor for several years, though once Neptune goes stationary direct in early November, after that it will no longer retrograde back to the cusp of the Age. That’s why this is the last time I’ll include this information in the New Moon article

Remember that taking the long view, we stand on the threshold of an entirely new era that will not resemble the old Age in any way within just a few decades. In fact, we’re already solidly in the Dreamscape, and are already seeing long wave manifestations of the ending of the old and the emerging field we’re all learning how to maneuver through.

Other than the brief look we had in mid-2011, this is only the twenty-first New Moon with Neptune in Pisces for the next 150 years. We had Neptune in Pisces for the 3 New Moons for May, June, and July 2011 which gave us a front end look at how Neptune will function through 2025.

Between August 2011, when Neptune retrograded back into late Aquarius, and the January 2012 New Moon, we were given one last look back at a greater ideal, and the changes of the last half of 2011 helped many to break out of our "chrysalis" and transform how we live and all our relationships. That is now established in the collective consciousness, as well as a growing sense of the larger light field in which all sentient Beings live and love.

If you want to know what's coming for many years to come, take a look back at the intuitions and sense of belonging to a vaster interrelated whole you were shown in May, June, and July 2011. It may help to give a sense of our collective lesson in dissolving our separateness as we finish this transition through "the Winter of the 21st Century" on our way to Spring, beginning in 2025!

During those months that both Neptune and Chiron were in early Pisces, we were offered chances to learn about bargaining and trade-offs, with the ultimate payoff a deeper and larger feeling of being connected to others. During the last half of 2011, Neptune retrograded back to 29 Aquarius, the degree where humanity was forced to emerge from its "chrysalis" as a new world is being born.

Chiron retrograded back to 1 Pisces. So those two dancing together kept us attuned to elements of this transitional span of experience for all of 2011 as we prepared to cut loose into the Neptune in Pisces era for many years to come. During 2011 both Neptune and Chiron revealed our unique part to play within a larger light/life field.

During that time, these planets at the beginning of Pisces and end of Aquarius occupied degrees representing "the Cusp of the Age," the span where the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius meet. From one point of view, where we were collectively between February 2011 and March 2012 revealed what the period of (approximately) 1990-2140 is all about in the broader context of human evolution. I suspect that future generations will look back at 2011 and 2012 as being crucial in showing long range patterns of larger evolutionary necessities.

Neptune and Chiron dancing between signs on "the Cusp of the Age" had the effect of making it seem like we have all been occupying a very weird dreamscape which we'll be navigating for years to come. The trick for us is to apply our new strengths and understanding freed from the ghosts of the past, and by riding the waves of intense (but curiously steady) pulses of spiritual energies shaping our minds, we can find techniques where our efforts will lead us to forms of good fortune.

During the year they danced together in this critical degree span, they provided us a bridge to understanding the global lessons we all must embrace, and helped us graduate into a new view of how we are an essential part of a greater whole. I'll give you links to articles explaining more about "the cusp of the Age" at the end of this article.

As Neptune went stationary direct at 1 Pisces around the time of the last 2012 Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, Neptune was literally at the “Cusp of the Age” between April 2010 and January 2013. It was conjunct Chiron the entire time, showing that this era was about all of learning to heal into our Higher Selves through greater awareness and compassion, as well as feeling our place within the larger collective feeling-field.

In this chart, Chiron is retrograde at 11 Pisces. This will help us review and heal anew through our positioning within collective consciousness, where by seeing how we’ve “entered the Sanctuary” and our mind has been introduced to “the Soul realm.” We have healed, and are healing, through the “ordeals” that have come through “walking on” into a new realm of Soul expression that now fulfills some part of our higher collective “healing” function.

In this chart Neptune is now retrograde at 3 Pisces, where we are again experiencing the collective feeling-field we all went through in April-May 2012, July-August 2012, and February 2013. We now see the indestructible parts of our Self and life, and are free to embrace a more “immortal” form of self-expression. We can now be more conscious of how we handle our existence within a larger context, and participate in broader forms of service.

Again, Chiron shows us how we can heal into our Higher Self. During 2012 the focus was on healing into our Higher Selves through seeing what we’re dedicated to, what skills we’ve cultivated, what “call” we’ve heard, and how we’ve quickened our striving.

During the next 4 weeks we can heal through remembering and putting things together we’ve been dealing with over past months within a greater collective spiritual field. We’re now hit a time of reviewing various ways to heal into our Higher Selves through November, when many will find themselves with higher responsibilities as Masters of obscure realms.

More on Saturn’s Universally Important Influence

Because of Saturn’s path these past several months, through past understanding and practice we have begun to demonstrate a higher level of social functioning. Now that we’ve learned what is permanent and stable in our life structures, we can now “tear ourselves away from the known and familiar” and move into a new dream, a new ideal, a new sense of purpose. Follow the “avidity” and you’ll move easily into new patterns.

Saturn in this Lunation chart is moving forward at 11 Scorpio, which will test our ability to manifest positive Saturn traits given the review we’ve had since February of the lessons Saturn has been teaching us since November 2012. The lessons of this month will have some similarity to what we first confronted in January and March 2013 about structuring a more humanitarian view into our take on things. Saturn is now teaching us about the “saving power of social restraint for too emotional Souls.”

As Saturn rules the bones, and Scorpio rules regenerative processes, you may want to regard the current Saturn in Scorpio transit as symbolizing a type of “bone regeneration,” or the elimination of all in our skin and bones that would block our ability to meet and greet others at a higher level of dignity, reserve, and “civilized” behavior. This shows us a long wave elimination and regeneration work each of us is doing in our own ways and times.

2012 finished our philosophical and ideological understanding in life areas related to Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius in our charts, and since October 2012 we have entered a Scorpio experience of an intensification of magnetics to attract what we need and repel what is not needed. Saturn in Scorpio will continue to be a MUCH different manifestation of Saturn than we were used to between 2010-2012!

We have now finished the long wave process of learning how to conduct ourselves at a higher social level of interaction, which will confirm our “social status” and help us be part of a refined display of interactive class, style, and culture. Now we have to show what we know, and walk the talk! Where Saturn was in the February and March New Moons began the larger Saturn lessons of 2013 which we’ll be learning through this month, after which we will confront a new set of Saturn in Scorpio lessons through December 2014.

Because of Saturn’s influence in Scorpio, we continue to eliminate and regenerate, let go of that which no longer works, and find ways to meet people at the highest levels of interaction. Saturn continues to help us get focused and clear about what structures are worthwhile and which need eliminating or purifying.

Due to the 2012 Scorpio Solar Eclipse, we’ve been looking back to rehearse the future after eliminating elements of the past. This opened the doors that we walked through in late December 2012 that continued through January 2013. Whether we want to or not, we’ve all had to be willing to embrace a purification process, especially purifying the life of stuck feelings and desires, and open to a new game and a new way of playing that game.

As noted in other Lunation articles, with North Node still in late Scorpio, our greatest development is through our ability to eliminate, regenerate, attract, and repel as part of a greater effectiveness. Consider this as a time of learning more from our losses than what we hold on to. How we grow now will pay major dividends once Saturn moves into the second half of Scorpio at the end of 2013.

North Node in Scorpio show we can grow through understanding magnetism in a more focused, active way. Where it is in this Lunation chart shows we can grow through stilling our minds so we can get a clear focus on a higher “reflected light,” finding peace through being illuminated by “transcendent wisdom.” We can touch our “cosmic strength” over the next few weeks in ways that will affect how we express the Mercury conjunct Saturn energies of this Lunation.

As Saturn moves forward, it will concretize all that we’ve been learning via the North Node while it’s been in middle and late Scorpio. Though the lessons will take a Saturnine form, by early 2014 we’ll have had many opportunities to contact our innermost “God force” and move beyond old forms. Especially this Autumn, we will continue to learn to go to our “center of reality” and see how Spirit and Soul are dancing with whatever in our personality is conflicted.

This Lunation features a few very powerful aspects between the planets, which I’ll speak about in part 2 of this series. Among the most powerful, we have the New Moon semisquare Venus and square Jupiter, Mercury tredecile Jupiter, conjunct Saturn, and sextile Pluto, Venus square Neptune (out of sign), Mars quintile Saturn, opposed Neptune (oos), and sesquisquare Pluto, a very powerful Saturn quincunx Uranus, and Uranus square Pluto. Overall, a highly frictional and specializing time for many, as long as you stay reasonable, follow the flow, and remember what you’ve learned about a greater emotional intelligence and stability. And show patience.....

In the next part of the series we'll discuss the various aspects at play in the chart, as well as some important degree symbols and other interesting elements affecting all of us for 4 weeks to come.

And as usual for the New Moon articles, here are two that are related to "the cusp of the Age."

Neptune Then, Neptune Now - The Cusp of the Age of Aquarius

Neptune Retrograde Into Aquarius - A New Look At the New Age This one has links to articles related to this theme, so enjoy following the breadcrumbs through the woods of time!

© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson

October 04, 2013 | Permalink

Technorati Tags:Age of Aquarius, Age of Pisces, astrology, Chiron, cusp of the Age, dispositor, Grand Irrationality, Grand Water Trine, how will this New Moon affect us, Libra New Moon, Neptune in Pisces, North Node in Scorpio, October New Moon, quintile, Saturn in Scorpio, tredecile, triseptile, what effect does a New Moon have, what is a lunation, who does this new moon affect

Thank you Robert...Saturn is just hitting my natal North Node today and finishing up with my Scorpio stellium, though it remains in my 6th house for quite a while. Venus crossing into 7th house tomorrow. Saturn's grind has left me feeling old and dealing with more scarcity and anxiety than normal, I admit, but every day I claw through and survive. I feel like burning my history! Thanks for all your wisdom.

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