The Harvest Full Moon of Virgo-Pisces in September 2013 Pt. 2 – Sabian Symbols Showing It’s Purification Time At the Threshold of A New Cycle

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This distributive, practical, unifying Full Moon that will teach us lessons of significant form falls at the 27th degree of Virgo and Pisces. This is the spiritual power of Divine discrimination and practical spiritual service expressed in a compassionate way. Here we take the openings offered since the New Moon and purify ourselves for more effective service at the culmination of an old process.

Full Moons heighten feelings, due to the opposition of the Moon and the Sun. This particular Lunation has no forming oppositions except the Moon and Sun. All the other oppositions are separating, showing polarizations that have already happened.

While the recent Mercury-triggered Grand Cardinal Cross is now in the rear view mirror, this Full Moon brings the very tight forming Mercury square Jupiter front and center. With Venus square Mars, these personality planets in square show a lot of recent fracturing will release powerful forces where we will all turn significant corners in areas impacted by Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces. That’s 3/4 of our existence!

The only mitigating favorable aspects are Moon tredecile Jupiter, Mercury biquintile Chiron, Venus trine Jupiter and Chiron, Sun quintile Jupiter, Mars biquintile Pluto, and Saturn sextile Pluto. These show a lot of specialized interactive uniqueness, with a solid productivity from the favorable Saturn, which is unafflicted in the chart.

Dispositors - What's the Backdrop to the Energies?

The Moon is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, while the Sun is ruled by Mercury. This makes the water element loom large in how the Moon expresses itself, and brings more balance to the Sun. In this chart, the Moon and Jupiter are in mutual reception, and Neptune is its own dispositor. Apart from these planets, the other primary chain of dispositors involves Mars in Leo, Sun in Virgo, Mercury in Libra, and Venus in Scorpio. You can find out more by going to Astrology Class – What Is A Dispositor and What Is Mutual Reception Between Two Planets?

In the chain of final dispositors, Sun is semisquare Mars, Mercury makes no aspect to the Sun, Venus makes no aspect to Mercury, but Venus and Mars are in square. That makes the internal relationship between the various backdrop factors affecting most of the planets frictional. Mars is showing us how to act dramatically after careful planning, Mercury is showing us how to retire from old dramas and find peace, and Venus shows us that we should find ourselves reunited with old comrades in the next two weeks.

So one group of energies involve the Moon, Jupiter, and Neptune, while the other group involves the rest, with backdrop energies spread out across 4 signs. Make sure you’re using the right means to your ends, don’t get deflected or distracted by momentary things, fit everything into a long range perspective, and find a way to coordinate affairs so everything stays on the rails despite disruptions.

Due to Saturn being a dispositor of Pluto, and Saturn being one of the Water anchors for the Splay configuration at work in this chart, it intensifies the prominence of Scorpio energies. We continue to be put in touch with a deeper reality, or a deeper feeling of connection with others as well as our own emotional depth.

As noted yesterday, any irrationality stems from the Sun triseptile Neptune. I gave the hot zones that trigger these choices, changes, and events that mark forks in the road of destiny across many areas of our lives, given the planets and signs involved. Please reference yesterday’s section on the Grand Irrationality to know more.

We’re now moving through a period of expanded feelings, and the experience in being in a current that is taking us somewhere. This is a time of quickened flow, emotional intelligence, and a new stability that will be with us for years. As in June, July, and August, we will be experiencing our Soul promptings more acutely during this time of deep feelings and necessary structuring. This Full Moon will bring turning points in what we think, how we communicate, and what we value, even though the process will feel conflicted and we’ll know our ideals and relationships have hit important turning points.

The Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon

This Full Moon falls at 27 Pisces-Virgo. It is said that the last third (decan) of any sign deals with the mental-spiritual levels of life, and being the last decan of those signs, invokes a sub-influence of Scorpio and Taurus.

Since the Moon always focuses the light of the Sun in specific forms, the degree symbols for both are important. The Sun degree is the illumination or enlightenment of the Lunation, whereas the Moon shows us the potential forms that enlightenment will take. Though I’ve given you a sense of what this is about up to now, here’s where we go into detail.

The Solar degree symbol for the 27th degree of Virgo is “Grand dames at tea. ‘ In the original notes from the Marc Jones class on the symbols, Rudhyar ways this is a degree of “Preservation of social and cultural values,” “Inward, unobtrusive superiority, or else pure smugness,” and “prestige of position.”

In the Mandala he goes on to say this is a degree of "the ability to carry on a revered tradition in order to perpetuate cultural standards of excellence.” He says this symbol is about learning “to act efficiently in the many rituals of a culture,” where “dignity, elegance, and respect for formal rules are essential.”

He states that this is a time when honoring formal procedures is needed, and “the undisciplined need to learn refinement.” So the illumination available via this Full Moon is through the Light of being refined by honoring some formal procedure that preserves social or cultural values. He states this degree falls in the Span of Experimentation, Act of Stabilization, and Scene of Education on the Individual-Mental level.

Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, says this is a degree of “life’s maturity as a threshold of new discovery,” emphasizing “the fact that each individual may pass on what (they) have gained and thereby have an effective continuance of (themselves) through others.” He offers us that “here are highly concentrated assets of selfhood as the reservoir of racial assets, since the traditions of one generation are always the ever-ready strength of the next.”

He offers the keyword APLOMB. He states that when operating positively, the degree is “an efficient administration of inheritance or position and a full capitalization on the opportunities of common experience.”

The Lunar degree symbol for the 27th degree of Pisces is “A harvest Moon.” In the original Jones class notes, Rudhyar says this is a degree of “the power of creative visualization by which great dreamers transcend outer reality,” and “complete dominance of circumstances.”

In the Astrological Mandala, he goes on to say that this degree symbolizes “the light of fulfillment that blesses work well done.” He goes on to state this symbol “brings us the message that the time has come to reap what we have not only sown, but also cultivated – or failed to cultivate.”

He says this symbol represents a consummation, a karmic moment, where “the seed of the new cyclic manifestation is already latent.” He says this degree falls in the Span of Protection, Act of Capitalization, and Scene of Perpetuation on the Individual-Mental level.

Dr. Jones says this is a degree of “life’s moments of culmination as the threshold of new achievement,” emphasizing “the fact that nature in her immeasurable prodigality is forever showing (us) with the products of her untiring creativeness.” He says this shows us our productivity is as rich as Nature’s, “and that the highly concentrated resources of the world are at the immediate service of anyone who will put them to use and so facilitate their replacement.”

He offers us the keyword BENEDICTION. He states that when operating in a positive manner, this degree “is self-consummation which is successful beyond any possibility of measure.”

From these symbols it seems we can see the light of a refinement illuminating our innate superiority taking shape through the rewards for our creativity and persistence up to now. Here the light of Divine discrimination educates us in ways that show we’ve hit a threshold and point of consummation of some past effort. This is the light of practical discipleship taking form through creative visualization enabling us to master our circumstances.

As with the last several Full Moons, important transformations helping us see a deeper Mystery are evoked by this Lunation. This calls us to a greater empathy and ability to know shared feelings, and continues to educate us in an emotional understanding we’ve been chasing the entire Summer. As usual, just keep moving with the flow, don’t try to push the river, and go deeper in your inner and outer feeling connections.

Learn to trust the process, and trust in your ability to navigate these currents as you embrace a new life. This feeling magnetism is showing us who are part of our Soul-group.

TransPluto, Divine Mother, Neptune, and the Polarization in the Collective Atmosphere

One important thing to note. In the Full Moon charts of 2009-2012, Neptune was in a very close opposition to TransPluto, the planet symbolizing Divine Mother Energy. That a factor in why things have been so polarized the past several years, teaching humanity compassion and the need for Viveka, or Divine Discrimination. This has offered all of us opportunities to join together in the Great Mother and realize our interrelatedness on a feeling level with All-That-Is.

The energies of Divine Mother will only grow stronger throughout this century, and these will be demonstrated each time the planets make significant aspects to TransPluto. In this chart TransPluto again occupies the first degree of Virgo, showing us the long term future of humanity. Again, the Divine Redeemer is showing us ways to show Viveka through understand the place and function of individual differences.

While Neptune has now moved on out of the exact opposition, they are again close between August and November 2013 now that TransPluto has re-entered Virgo and Neptune is at 4 Pisces retrograde. In this chart, it is quintiled by Saturn and Venus, showing us unique gifts and circumstances related to Divine “Redemptive-Compassion” lessons and expressions wherever we have early Virgo and mid-Scorpio.

A brief note on the larger Era. We approach the end of the TransPluto (Percephone, Parvati) in Leo era that we’ve known since September 20, 1935. Since October, 2011, we’ve been a transition period where this planet will dance at the last degree of Leo and first degree of Virgo through July 5, 2014.

So enjoy this penultimate period before the transition to a different transitional Era. After then we enter the TransPluto in Virgo era that will last through July, 2107, when it leaves Virgo for good and re-enters Libra for the last time, also after a few years of dancing on the cusp of Virgo and Libra.

Important Chart Factors

Many are finding a new stability or new sense of permanence wherever they have early Scorpio in their chart. There have been recent “fated” meetings, interactions, with fellowships and groups formed and connections deepened due to the recent Venus conjunct Saturn with both triseptile Uranus. It has been a time of radical choices, changes, forks in the road in the Aries and Scorpio areas of our lives, and much has been intensified over the past months leading us to a deeper personality integration.

Jupiter at 17 Cancer opens a long term growth process, where the seed that has germinated now become the growing plant. We’ve begun an active process of personality integration wherever this falls in our charts, and are getting ready to put on the show and come to realize some long held ambition beginning in a few weeks. As this is a process, we’ll be focused on this through April 2014.

So Just What Was the New Moon Theme for this Period?

Remember that the qualities of the Full Moon express whatever new directions we were shown at the previous New Moon. You will recall its theme was about going back to our roots, and finding a technique to do the spiritual work we are here to do. It also featured the last of the Saturn triseptile Uranus phases, with particular focus due to the New Moon septile Saturn and triseptile Uranus.

This means this month is the last of the critical forks in the road of destiny indicated by this karmic relationship between the planet of status quo and the planet of revolution. I explained it in the New Moon in Virgo article this way:

As noted, Saturn is now makes the last of a series of triseptiles with Uranus. This has had major implications for the degree spans involved, and put the conventional and unconventional elements of reality at a huge fork in the road. The first triseptile of Saturn in Scorpio to Uranus in Aries was in October 2012. The second triseptile was in May 2013. Now we get the last in the sequence through mid-September.

As the New Moon is septile Saturn and triseptile Uranus, this configuration is particularly powerful for the next month. It forms a “Kite” configuration with Uranus as the nozzle. Expect new visions of higher, more spiritual ways of living and Being to be seen clearly. Let your imagination soar to see your highest, best, most unique Self without comparing it to anything else.

The following zones are highly active for the next 4 weeks: 12-18 Virgo, 4-10 Scorpio, 25 Sagittarius-1 Capricorn, 17-23 Aquarius, 9-15 Aries, 30 Taurus-5 Gemini, and 21-27 Cancer. If you have a planet or an angle you can bet significant developments will show you how your responsibilities have met your individuality.

The seven zones activated by Saturn and Uranus show us how our tradition can transmute and accept our individuality, and how our limitations can be renovated to express our unique qualities. Here we confront fear of loss with the willingness to be a pioneer in some realm where we can express our genius. If you have a planet or angle in one of these zones, your destiny has been on the move, and continues to be on the move these next 4 weeks!

Spirit walks with this configuration, as well as any major septile series aspect between the planets. The choices we make as a result of these non-rational aspects show us our “direction of destiny,” and determines if the Spirit will grow stronger and closer with you, or if you will move in directions away from Spirit. Given that most of this community is intentionally trying to live in harmony with Life, Nature, and each other, chances are that whatever you – yes, YOU the reader – are confronting will show you a deeper, richer, more powerful Spiritual life. Which is a good thing.

In past Full Moon articles I included a page or more lifted from the articles on the previous New Moon. Since I am trying to shorten the articles for readability, I will no longer lift whole sections from those articles. Instead, please go back to part 1 of this Full Moon series where you will find links to those New Moon articles. They will help you understand the themes for this Full Moon period.

Jones Patterns and Element Balance

The planets fall in a Splay Jones pattern. This indicates a widely distributed planetary spread that shows a diverse but separated set of interests, with an emphasis on individuality putting itself into different situations that may not harmonize easily. So learn to triangulate when caught between conflicting energies that only come together because you are moving through those experiences.

The “Splay” Jones pattern features planets at odd angles widely spread around the signs. The Splay shows widely diverse actions that requires being at “the hub of the wheel” holding the various “spokes of life” in harmonious tension.

With 5 planets in Water, 1 in Air, 2 in Earth, and 2 in Fire we have an emphasis on feelings, with a balance between inspiration and practicality, and not much interactivity due to a shortage of planets in Air signs. This deficiency in Air shows that thinking, interacting, and socializing must come from within rather than external events. Since Air and Earth are “cool” elements and Fire and Water are “hot” elements, things may be a bit hotter and more emotional over the next two weeks.

More on how Uranus Square Pluto Is Ramping Up Radical Energies!

As I’ve mentioned off and on over the past 2+ years, we’re all learning to manage the “out of control” energies of Uranus square Pluto. I’ve discussed this aspect at length over quite a few articles in the archives. Use the site google box to find out more about this years’ long disruptive revolutionary influence. Welcome to the 21st century of upheaval, transformation, and titanic collisions between a new world being born and an old age that’s digging in even as it’s dying.

That square represents the ongoing revolution of our times, with innovations and pioneering energies in conflict with restrictive and controlling power structures. We’ll be dealing with this for a few years, and it promises to make this year and next very “electric and eclectic,” moving the world through a revolution unlike any seen since the 1960s!!

Uranus is on a degree of seeing a higher cosmic order we can aspire to, even if it’s not yet grounded. As usual, beware of those who are impatient, since explosiveness is in the air due to this position. As it is retrograde, we are reviewing lessons from the last half of May and first half of June.

As I noted in past Lunation articles, we’re now moving into a different social orientation for many years, so continue to learn how to concentrate to see the whole picture, as this shows us how to externalize our higher Self in new individual ways. It’s been the major theme for 2013, and given the aspects in play in this chart, through the cross currents we will be freed to express new views and new ways of relating to others. Venus will call us to deeper connections with our spiritual allies, and many will find themselves identifying with some group that shares the same energy demonstrated in some past activity shared in common.

For the next 4 months, regard the deeper transformations going on in your life as a “science lesson” showing you the laws of Nature. This Full Moon continues to remind us of the radical adventure into individuation we began in 2009-2010.

We are learning how we can fully embrace the feeling and experience of that emergent transformational role we accepted then, and this can help us get focused as we stand on the threshold of new adventures to come. Keep purifying yourself in every way, since the less sludge we carry forward the lighter and freer we’ll feel.

We are still being challenged to get beyond fear, see things from the past differently, and find relief through expressing the Higher Self that’s been “cut and polished” in past months. We can grow into a larger role when we’re confronted by old Pluto roles, coercions, and heavy-handed corrosive behavior. We can use the square between Uranus and Pluto in two big ways, both now and into the future.

We can exercise good Pluto function to put the brakes on negative Uranian manifestations, and good Uranus function to put the brakes on negative Pluto manifestations. Look to the harmonizing aspects to each to show which is building and which one is the release point for those energies. In this chart, Uranus is specializing many things in everyone’s lives, so go with the new rather than the established.

What's the proper sequence at present of deciding, feeling, and thinking, and an Overview of the Lunation

This Full Moon is refining and culminative, and puts deciding and acting front and center! As a process of moving through events, see what needs to be done, decide how you want to do it, and then find the knowledge, information, interaction, or vision that enables you to do what you have to do. Then when you’ve processed the information, interaction, vision, or idea, go deep within and get clear about what you’re feeling. Once you know what you’re feeling, it will naturally lead to new decision, new facts, and new actions, which will in turn be followed by a new vision, new information, or new understanding.

So this is a Lunation indicating that we’ll lead with our decisiveness, which will result in a vision, understanding, or need to communicate something. After we act and then process the information or vision, then we need to go deep within and feel the experience of those ideas and understanding that led to that feeling. Once we know what we’re feeling, new decisions will be natural and easy.

To sum up, this Lunation will help us refine a lot, finish our education in an important way, and show us a threshold of how we can master circumstances through creative visualization. We should be able to see clear growth patterns that serve our needs, as well as techniques to put on the show while retiring form old dramas. We’re reversing some form of decay in an organized and structured way, and so eliminating old stuff is perfect for this two week period, or finding a way to regenerate.

This Lunation will show us a newer, broader vision of effective service on greater levels than we have thought up to now. Use creative visualization in a focused way, and you could just magnetize something perfect for what you need here and now. There are gifts to be gathered in the next two weeks as we learn to find realizations through things that seem to be crossways with each other, but which share a common spiritual base or truth.

This continues a new freedom and adventure that began as a result of the voids created by the Eclipses of 2011. Despite the incredible amount of feeling energy during this time of planets moving through Water signs, try not to take the larger tensions, pressures, and friction personally. Even if this period puts us under pressure to make critical decisions, the flow will lead us exactly where we need to be.

As I’ve noted in previous Full Moon articles, since all shadows result from light hitting a dense object, it’s better to become as translucid as possible to dispel lurking shadows. And if you must look at the shadows, then refocus on the object being illuminated, since that’s the source of the shadow.

Find the correct 4 angles of illuminating whatever you want to focus on, and all shadows will be dispelled. Then you’re seeing things with an illuminated mind, and can act accordingly.

© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson

September 20, 2013 | Permalink

Technorati Tags:astrology, Dane Rudhyar, dispelling personality shadows, dispositor, Divine Feminine planet, Divine Mother, final dispositor, Full Moon in September, Full Moon in Virgo, Grand Irrationality, how will this full moon affect me, Marc Jones, mutual reception, New Moon in September, New Moon in Virgo, opposition, Percephone, quintile, Sabian symbols, septile, spiritual revelations in astrology, Splay chart, Transpluto, triseptile, why things are so weird and crazy

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